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This section provides ‘DeicingArea’ feature data encoding guidance.


Information concept:

DeicingArea: http://www.airm.aero/viewer/1.0.0/conceptual-model.html#DeicingArea

Data concept:

DeicingArea: http://www.airm.aero/viewer/1.0.0/logical-model.html#DeicingArea

Information concepts indicate the reference vocabulary and relations of an DeicingArea with other concepts. Data concepts indicate the reference features and properties for service architects, information/data architects and system implementers.


AMD data encoding can start when the necessary geographic information, aeronautical information and basic knowledge regarding the structure of created feature is available.

From the geographical point of view, several points of the outer border of the DeicingArea need to be captured. The key attributes are the longitude, latitude in reference with WGS-84 and the elevation of each captured point. In the next part the process of converting the geographical information into the GML form, thus into geometry information is described.

Based on Aeronatical Data Catalogue the required type of geometry for feature DeicingArea is 'Polygon'. The definition Polygon can be found in the Table A1-9 Data types of the Aeronautical Data Catalogue.

AMD encoding

AIXM 5.1

ED-99 feature DeicingArea is mapped to the AIXM 5.1 as feature DeicingArea.


In the AIXM 5.1 the geometry of the DeicingArea is polygon encoded as object ElevatedSurface.

For more information regarding AIXM 5.1 Geometry encoding follow 'AIXM data coding'.

GML considerations:

AIXM 5.1 is based on GML. Hence, obtained geographical locations shall be transferred into a GML geometry object PolygonPatch.

Figure 1 : DeicingArea


Features DeicingArea shall be established in accordance with coding rules and requirements listed in AIXM 5.1 Temporality Model.

AIXM 5.1 features

DeicingArea is encoded to the AIXM 5.1 as one feature 'DeicingArea'.

All associations are shown in the UML Diagram (see below).



UML Diagram (Apron)


Content of example

The following AMD properties are not covered in the AIXM 5.1. coding example: vres, hres, integr, featbase, lvo, deicegrp. These are covered by an AIXM 5.1. extension.

Coding example - Structure of message

<AIXMBasicMessage  ...>
    <aixm:AirportHeliport gml:id="uuid.0b7a2688-ab95-47e6-82c2-23fe321c4a48">
    <aixm:Taxiway gml:id="uuid.3ae48a00-5f20-42c4-bb60-032252a56aa6">
    <aixm:DeicingArea gml:id="uuid.11c233c6-4318-484c-9f9c-6af1570554f1">

Coding example - DeicingArea

    <aixm:DeicingArea gml:id="uuid.11c233c6-4318-484c-9f9c-6af1570554f1">
      <gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">11c233c6-4318-484c-9f9c-6af1570554f1</gml:identifier>
        <aixm:DeicingAreaTimeSlice gml:id="uuid.27484ea8-c57a-4843-ac28-9442e9f3ce2c">
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.9374e0d7-a3d9-4c3d-8dd0-498acbb7dac4">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.7d895a49-d352-430e-b76d-214256aacd77">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
          <aixm:taxiwayLocation xlink:href="#3ae48a00-5f20-42c4-bb60-032252a56aa6" xlink:title="Z" />
            <aixm:SurfaceCharacteristics gml:id="uuid.1c29f2fa-a137-4914-acb7-1bfc41427993">
            <aixm:ElevatedSurface gml:id="uuid.cf97a951-d0ac-4b21-a4cc-cd167f5ecc90" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
                        <gml:Curve gml:id="uuid.e45afd3f-d963-4101-8975-c58d5dd70421">
                            <gml:GeodesicString interpolation="geodesic">
                              <gml:posList>50.11495211 14.2759115 50.1149545 14.27591381 50.114956 14.27591742 50.11507722 14.27619889 50.11507944 14.27620447 50.11507958 14.27620994 50.11503075 14.27641453 50.11499447 14.27656656 50.11495419 14.27673483 50.11495219 14.27674303 50.11487336 14.27680011 50.11486108 14.27683722 50.11487925 14.27689822 50.11490447 14.27698903 50.11483783 14.27703453 50.11479447 14.27688822 50.11476628 14.27687742 50.11476461 14.27687225 50.11474353 14.27686061 50.11473528 14.27685589 50.11472658 14.276851 50.11471319 14.27684333 50.11464472 14.27680469 50.11460264 14.27678106 50.11459364 14.27677681 50.11452578 14.27673875 50.11450186 14.27672614 50.11450111 14.27672356 50.11437225 14.27629247 50.11437322 14.27628797 50.11439553 14.27619792 50.11441058 14.27613917 50.11442808 14.27606789 50.11444786 14.27597803 50.11445069 14.275965 50.11445367 14.27595164 50.11445658 14.27593844 50.11446911 14.27588406 50.11446767 14.27587886 50.11446692 14.27587367 50.11448044 14.27583714 50.11443636 14.275688 50.11449947 14.27564042 50.11450214 14.27564294 50.11454847 14.27579003 50.11457342 14.27579886 50.11457444 14.27580133 50.11465294 14.27574433 50.11470658 14.27577433 50.11484764 14.27585328 50.11495211 14.2759115</gml:posList>
              <aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">1</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
              <aixm:elevation uom="M">376</aixm:elevation>
              <aixm:verticalAccuracy uom="M">1</aixm:verticalAccuracy>
            <aixm:ApronAreaAvailability gml:id="uuid.01cc9dea-a027-4da0-ae9d-be8f362bfc4b">
                <aixm:ApronAreaUsage gml:id="uuid.59bd9476-98d0-4e5f-b6b8-98a6002f1d6a">
                    <aixm:ConditionCombination gml:id="uuid.5b0861fa-b478-46f5-a4ea-0bbee7c35ce8">
                        <aixm:AircraftCharacteristic gml:id="uuid.d74f2d1e-f572-4e5a-9ec4-cceadea4304b">

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