ID: | AIXM-472 |
target version: | AIXM 5.2 |
version: | 1.0 |
last updated: | 11 OCT 2021 |
status: | PROPOSED |
Additional navigationType and navigationAccuracy attributes are added in the AircraftCharacteristics class. The list of values for navigationSpecification is aligned with the PBN Manual. Local requiredNavigationPerformance, navigationType, RNAV, etc. attributes (as applicable) are removed from Procedure, SegmentLeg specialisations, RouteSegment, ApproachCondition and replaced with associations to the AircraftCharacteristics. The navigationAccuracy data type is updated to allow two decimals.
Rationale for change
The Performance Based Navigation (PBN) concept was introduced in order to ensure global standardisation of RNAV and RNP specifications and to limit the proliferation of regional navigation specifications. The ICAO Doc 9613 (PBN Manual) provides a high-level diagram of navigation specifications (copied below).
This is not fully supported in the current AIXM version, which has inherited a mix of RNAV and RNP related properties, as follows:
- RouteSegments may be coded as requiring RNAV versus CONV(entional) navigation techniques;
- Procedures may be coded as RNAV (Yes/No);
- the CodeRNPType data type (values from 0.0 to 99.9) may be used to indicate an RNP accuracy value being associated with a RouteSegment, ProcedureLeg specialisation (except for FinalLeg) or ApproachCondition (in association with a set of Minima);
- the CodeNavigationSpecificationType list of values (RNAV_10, RNAV_5, RNAV_2, RNAV_1, RNP_4, RNP_2, BASIC_RNP_1, ADVANCED_RNP_1, RNP_APCH, RNP_APCH_AR) can be used through AircraftCharacteristic in order to limit the use of a Procedure or to indicate the applicability of a set of Approach Minima;
The following issues have been identified with the current model:
- the CodeNavigationSpecificationType does not cover some of the navigation specifications from the ICAO PBN manual, while some codes are outdated;
- the CodeRNPType pattern does not allow accuracy values in increments of a hundredth (0.01) of a NM, while such values are allowed RNP APCH AR (per ICAO DOC 9905) and are used in practice for minima approach conditions;
- In the case of the InstrumentApproachProcedure, the RNAV attribute (inherited from the Procedure) is a duplicate of its own approachType list of values (that includes ‘RNAV’);
- overall, the current AIXM properties and list of values are not aligned with the ICAO PBN concept, as specified in the ICAO DOC 9613.
- the RNAV/RNP navigation requirements are not modelled in the same way for RouteSegment, Procedures and SegmentLegs. While some of these classes have specific attributes, some also have associations to the AircraftCharacteristic, which includes the navigationSpecification attribute.
In order to align the AIXM model with the PBN concept, it is proposed to define a new NavigationRequirements <<object>> and to use it where necessary to indicate a PBN navigation specification. This new class will have the following attributes:
- type, allowing to discriminate between conventional navigation, PBN and also TACAN routes (for backwards compatibility);
- navigationSpecification, with a predefined list of values that includes all the RNP and RNAV navigation specifications summarised in the ICAO PBN Manual, such as RNAV_5, RNP_APCH, RNP_APCH_AR, etc and also generic RNAV and RNP codes (for forward/backward compatibility).
- navigationAccuracy, which allows to specify a navigation accuracy in relation with a PBN navigation specification (as a numerical value between 0.01 and 99.9).
As a consequence, the following attributes may be deleted and replaced with associations to the new NavigationRequirements <<object>>, through the AircraftCharacteristic <<object>>:
- the navigationType and requiredNavigationPerformance in RouteSegment
- the navigationSpecification in AircraftCharacteristic
- the RNAV attribute in Procedure, for which no replacement is necessary as the Procedure class already has an association with AircraftCharacteristic, which will have its own association with the NavigationRequirements object. This is similar to the coding of the aircraft landing category (A/B/C/D/E) or aircraft type (such as "helicopter procedure").
- the requiredNavigationPerformance in the various SegmentLeg specialisations
Impact assessment
When receiving data from AIXM 5.2 implementations, current AIXM 5.1(.1) systems will have to be able to map back the new values, as described in the mapping rules further in this document.
When receiving data from AIXM 5.1(.1) implementations, AIXM 5.2 systems will have to be able to map forward the data, as described in the mapping rules further in this document.
Change Proposal details
In the UML model.
- In the CodeNavigationSpecificationBaseType <<CodeList>>
- add the following values:
- RNAV = “RNAV navigation specification (does not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting)
- RNP = “RNP navigation specification (includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting)”
- RNP_1 = “RNP with 1 NM navigation accuracy capability”
- A_RNP = “Advanced RNP”
- RNP_0_3 = “RNP with 0.3 NM navigation accuracy capability”
- delete the following values:
- add the following values:
- Rename the CodeRouteNavigationType <<DataType>> into CodeNavigationType
- Rename the CodeRouteNavigationBaseType <<CodeList>> into CodeNavigationBaseType and:
- change definition into “The type of air navigation (conventional or PBN)”
- add the value PBN = “Performance Based Navigation (PBN)”
- delete the value RNAV
Rename the CodeRNPType <<DataType>> into ValNavigationAccuracyType
Rename the CodeRNPBaseType <<CodeList>> into ValNavigationAccuracyBaseType and change its pattern into [0-9]{1,2}(\.[0-9]{12}){0,1}
- In the AircraftCharacteristic class:
- Add two new attributes:
- navigationType, data type CodeNavigationType, definition = “An indication if performance based navigation or conventional navigation is required”;
- navigationAccuracy, data type ValNavigationAccuracyType, definition=”The navigation accuracy value associated with the navigation specification.”
- Add two new attributes:
- In the RouteSegment class:
- Delete the navigationType attribute
- Delete the requiredNavigationPerformance attribute
- Add an association “isValidFor” AircraftCharacteristic with role name “aircraftCapability” and multiplicity 0…* on the AircraftCharacteristic <<object>> side, definition = “A combination of aircraft characteristics, equipment and capabilities that are required on the Route Segment”.
- In the Procedure class:
- Delete the RNAV attribute
- in the association with AircraftCharacteristic change the AircraftCharacteristic role name into “aircraftCapability”, definition = “A combination of aircraft characteristics, equipment and capabilities that are required on the Procedure”
- Delete the requiredNavigationPerformance attribute in the following classes:
- DepartureLeg
- ArrivalLeg
- ArrivalFeederLeg
- InitialLeg
- IntermediateLeg
- MissedApproachLeg
- In the SegmentLeg change the association to AircraftCharacteristic as follows:
- change the AircraftCharacteristic role name into “aircraftCapability”, definition = “A combination of aircraft characteristics, equipment and capabilities that are required on the Segment Leg”.
- In the ApproachCondition class:
- Delete the requiredNavigationPerformance attribute
- Add a new attribute navigationAccuracy, data type ValNavigationAccuracyType, definition=”The PBN navigation accuracy value associated with the minima.”
Note: AIXM-473 also removes the association to AircraftCharacteristic, which is moved to the Minima class. This is taken into consideration in the AIXM-473 forward/backward mapping and it is not discussed in this Change Proposal.
The following UML class diagram highlights the changes made in the model:
- deleted elements are highlighted in red
- new elements are highlighted in blue
Mapping AIXM 5.1.1 to AIXM 5.2 (forward)
Copied from the CP...
Mapping AIXM 5.2 to AIXM 5.1.1 (backward)
Copied from the CP...
Mapping example
(Note: for mapping test data see:
AIXM 5.2 | AIXM 5.1(.1) |