service definitions

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The ACADIA project (2022_014_AF5_ACADIA) is a Clean Sky awarded project that intends to accelerate the implementation of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 (CP1). The project contributes to:

  • the availability of digital aeronautical data by AISPs and its exchange via SWIM services as required in AF 5.1.3
  • the availability of digital aeronautical data by European AIS Database (‘EAD’) based on the upload of local data from AIS systems as required in AF 3.1.1 and its exchange based on SWIM services as required in AF 5.1.3

Specific objectives of the project

A key objective of CP1 is the digitalization of aeronautical information and its availability via harmonized and interoperable SWIM services.

This project has the initial objective of enabling that aeronautical information becomes available in a digital form, also ensuring an increased level of interoperability and quality assurance. Notably local AISP systems, and EAD are expected to undergo digitalization and data completeness efforts to meet the expectations of CP1 in support of AF 3.1.1 and as intermediary step towards the implementation of AF 5.1.3 SWIM Services. This project contributes to accelerate the establishment of a common reference of harmonized quality-assured, interoperable and digital aeronautical information for the European network on behalf and for the stakeholders. Data originators (e.g., Airports) contributing to the provision of aeronautical information are also in the scope of this project that aims bring the benefits of digitalization and automation to the data chain.

This project has an additional objective of enabling that aeronautical information is exchanged over SWIM services. In this context, AISPs, airports and ANSPs are required by CP1 to provide and/or consume of AIFS, aerodrome mapping and digital NOTAM services.  EAD is also required by CP1 to implement SWIM services as specified in AF 5.1.3, in support of AF3 flexible use of airspace and free route management. AISPs may benefit from the SWIM capabilities of EAD to fulfil the expectations of CP1 AF 5.1.3 for the provision of AIFS, Aerodrome Mapping and Digital NOTAM services. The provision and consumption of these services by stakeholders as mandated in CP1 (AISPs, ANSPs, airports) is an integral part of the project. This second objective of the project is fully dependent on the initial objective that ensures aeronautical data is in a digital form and available in EAD based on the contributions of local data from AIS systems. 

To meet these objectives, processes, and tools, including those already established for local systems and EAD will be developed and/or procured to accelerate the digitalization of aeronautical information and the provision of SWIM AIM services.  

Expected results

By end of 2025: 

  • AISPs will have an increased level of digitalization with more aeronautical information available in digital form. This supports AISPs in the fulfilment of applicable requirements in AF5.1.3 
  • Airports, AISPs and ANSPs will provide and consume SWIM AIM services as mandated by CP1 AF5.1.3
  • EAD will have an increased level of digitalization with more aeronautical information available in digital form. This enables EAD to fulfil the applicable requirements of AF 3.1.1 in terms of availability of information.
  • EAD will have enhanced interfaces to facilitate the exchange of information via SWIM services. This enables EAD and those AISPs who wish so to use EAD to fulfil the applicable requirements of AF5.1.3

Project Tasks

The project under the coordination of EUROCONTROL is structured in different types of tasks that enable different stakeholders to perform different activities as part of the common project.

The tasks as depicted in the below diagram should be executed in a certain order as they depend upon each other (first digitalization activities before SWIM Service activities).

Organizations can participate in the project to any of the identified tasks, but as a minimum is required contribution to the data completeness of EAD (either with task T2a or T2b unless not applicable i.e. airports). It is part of the project to contribute to define and validate what is expected in terms of  Operational Data Completeness. 


As project coordinator and responsible for the common EAD service, EUROCONTROL participates in the project in the execution of the following tasks

Task Label


Project Management and Coordination

A project management team supervising day-to-day project execution and will be gathering on a monthly basis. The project management team owns the project planning and monitors progress. The project management team reports to SDM on agreed milestones as per the project plan.  The project management team coordinates with the task leaders and partner POCs.

A project plan will be developed in the first quarter of the project by the project management team. It will be used to assess progress. The project management team will organize regular meetings gathering all persons responsible for individual tasks, in order to review project progress, and monitor accomplishment of milestones.

EAD SWIM Service Provision [T3a]

EAD is enhanced to provide the Digital NOTAM, AIFS and Aerodrome mapping SWIM services.

EUROCONTROL will manage the migration of the EAD to provide and implement SWIM services that realize the related service definitions as elaborated within the A3SG (Aeronautical SWIM Services Subgroup) under the umbrella of the EUROCONTROL IMT working arrangement. These service definitions will cover the Digital NOTAM, AIFS and Aerodrome mapping SWIM services.

Member Project Contribution

Each project member needs to indicate the specific tasks that is performing in the scope of the project, and the associated cost declared in the project. The below table identifies areas of activity in order to structure the tasks of the project members.

Task Label


Local Digitalisation [T1] 

The project generic expectation is that AISP information is transformed in a digital form, enhanced to ensure ‘Operational Data Completeness’, and enabling generation of AIXM 5.1 data. It may include the automation and digitalization of exchanges with AISP data providers (Airports).

In the context of this task each partner will need to describe and execute the local data digitalization. In doing so the project expectation on digital data delivery for each contributing partner will be met. Whilst this is an individual partner effort, it is however not excluded joining effort in terms of mutual support and sharing expertise at the technical level. The rationale for this is that digital data provision and exchange will require expert level exchanges on topics and questions emerging at the local level whilst not excluding the European ATM network level viewpoint.

Automated Exchange via EAD B2B [T2A] 

The project generic expectation is that AISP information is shared with EAD via the B2B interfaces. The information addresses ‘Operational Data Completeness’ and is in AIXM 5.1 format.

Each partner will need to describe this task in detail when opted for as the means to provide digital data to the EAD.

Digitalization via EAD HMI [T2b] 

The project generic expectation is that AISP information is transformed in a digital form via the EAD HMI and enhanced to ensure ‘Operational Data Completeness’.

Each partner will need to describe this task in detail when opted for as the means to provide digital data to the EAD.

Local SWIM Service Provision [T3b]

The project generic expectation is that AISP systems are enhanced to provide the Digital NOTAM, AIFS and Aerodrome mapping SWIM services.

Each partner will need to describe this task in detail. Each partner will manage their system evolution to provide and implement SWIM services that realize the service definitions as elaborated within the A3SG (Aeronautical SWIM Services Subgroup) under the umbrella of the EUROCONTROL IMT working arrangement. These service definitions will cover the Digital NOTAM, AIFS and Aerodrome mapping SWIM services as a minimum, not excluding additional service definitions used locally whilst conforming to the SWIM requirements at the European ATM network level.

SWIM Service Consumption [T4]

The project generic expectation is that the Digital NOTAM, AIFS and Aerodrome mapping SWIM services are consumed and the data they provide is used in operations. The task captures activities related to the final step in the digital transformation which is the integrated use of SWIM services in SWIM enabled applications used in operations. The burden of the task is on those consuming clients that feed from SWIM services, however this task activity is there to enable consuming IP partners to achieve the migration to a state with SWIM services being consumed. The means thereto may take multiple forms (eg. Purchase of tools, purchase of expertise, technical interchanges, etc..) 

Each partner will need to describe this task in detail.

Project management

Planning Milestones

Used for collaborative planning purposes.

MilestoneApplicabilityImplementation DateMilestone DescriptionMeans of Verification
Implementation plan established.AISPs involved in provision of SWIM Services (T3)31-12-2023

A detailed implementation plan is established identifying all parties involved (including information providers, consumers, and system providers) and detailing the working arrangements and work plan agreed with all these entities. The plan should consider the identification of dependencies, risks and mitigations put in place. 

Implementation plan document available.
Service usage plan established.All planning consumption of SWIM Services (T4) 31-12-2024

A detailed service usage plan is established identifying the technical systems, applications, functionalities, and business activities that will be impacted by the consumption of the service. The plan also identifies the implementing actors (e.g., system providers) and milestones agreed with these. 

Service usage plan document available. 

Data Digitalization Milestones

Aerodrome information is expected at the latest end of 2025 but data digitalization efforts should progress significantly in 2024.

MilestoneApplicabilityImplementation DateMilestone DescriptionMeans of Verification
Aerodrome information digitalization.Airports (AOs)31-12-2025

Information in digital form is made available by the aerodrome in support of the aeronautical information SWIM services to be implemented by the AISP.

Digital data completeness report.

Service Provider Milestones

AISPs  are the mandated providers of the AIM CP1 SWIM Services.

AISPs have the option to either implement AIM CP1 SWIM Services in their local system or to make use of the eEAD implementation that provides these on their behalf.

MilestoneApplicabilityImplementation DateMilestone DescriptionMeans of Verification
Service in development.AISPs involved in provision of SWIM Services (T3)31-12-2024The service is in development and all preceding activities have been met including 1) specifications ready, 2) technical platform where the service will be deployed (possibly together with other services) is defined and 3) the information and means to produce this in digital form have been defined.Verification means may include the availability of technical specifications, digital data completeness report, technical platform description.
Provide aerodrome Mapping information service. AISPs 31-12-2025The AISP implements a SWIM Service that enables the provision of Aerodrome Mapping information to other stakeholders.Aerodrome Mapping Information Service description available in the registry with status Operational.
Provide aeronautical information features service.AISPs31-12-2025The AISP implements a SWIM Service that enables the provision of aeronautical information features to other stakeholders.Aeronautical Information Feature Service description available in the registry with status Operational.
Provide Digital NOTAM Service.AISPs31-12-2025The AISP implements a SWIM Service that enables the provision of Digital NOTAM event information to other stakeholdersDigital NOTAM Service description available in the registry with status Operational.

Service Consumer Milestones

The ANSPs are the mandated consumers of the AIM CP1 SWIM Services. The airports (AOs) are optional consumers of the AIM CP1 SWIM Services.

MilestoneApplicabilityImplementation dateMilestone DescriptionMeans of verification
Consume Aeronautical Information Feature serviceANSPs, AOs (optional)31-12-2025Implement an interface that consumes the information provided by the serviceService consumption report. This describes the systems and applications that make use of the information provided by the service.
Consume Digital NOTAM ServiceANSPs, AOs (optional)31-12-2025Implement an interface that consumes the information provided by the serviceService consumption report. This describes the systems and applications that make use of the information provided by the service.
Consume Aerodrome SWIM ServiceANSPs, AOs (optional)31-12-2025Implement an interface that consumes the information provided by the serviceService consumption report. This describes the systems and applications that make use of the information provided by the service.
Operational use - Aerodrome Service InformationANSPs, AOs (optional)31-12-2025Integrate the information obtained via the service into an application that makes use of it in support of the organization operations.Service operational Use report. Describes the applications, and business activities that make use of the information provided by the service.
Operational use - Aeronautical Information features ExchangeANSPs, AOs (optional)31-12-2025Integrate the information obtained via the service into an application that makes use of it in support of the organization operations.Service operational Use report. Describes the applications, and business activities that make use of the information provided by the service.
Operational use - Digital NOTAMANSPs, AOs (optional)31-12-2025Integrate the information obtained via the service into an application that makes use of it in support of the organization operations.Service operational Use report. Describes the applications, and business activities that make use of the information provided by the service.




Is it possible to join ACADIA as an industrial partner?

The ACADIA project is primarily focused on coordinating the implementation of operational stakeholders.  Industry can participate when introduced by a specific operational stakeholder in support of ACADIA implementation activities.

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