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This requirement describes the information exchanged with an AISP related to aeronautical information events that are not originated from an Airport.


The following actors are involved in this information exchange:

  • The Information Provider is the any organization contributing with aeronautical information events (excluding Airport)
  • The Information Consumer is the AISP 


This exchange addresses the need for an AISP to collect all aeronautical information changes which are of temporary nature or provided on a short notice.


The information exchanged relates to the communication of aeronautical information changes that are not specific to an aerodrome.

The specific list of aeronautical events that have to communicated is defined as part of the scope of the Digital NOTAM Specification and its different scenarios. A non exhaustive list of such events that are not specific to an airport is provided below.


The information is expected to be exchanged between the identified stakeholders taking into account the following interaction characteristics:

  • The need to exchange information is based (triggered) on the need of the information provider to communicate to the information consumer that there is an event.
  • There is no exchange frequency determined, as the information is exchanged based on unplanned events.

Non Functional Requirements

There is no non functional requirement identified.


This exchange of information is constraint to be performed as follows: 

  • Shall conform to EUROCONTROL Digital NOTAM specification
  • Shall output event information encoded in AIXM 5.1.1

Reference and Related Requirements

This information exchange relates to the requirements stated by CP1 and the SDP as described here.

There are three digital NOTAM exchanges identified:

  • Aerodrome Events Data Exchange 
  • Non-Aerodrome Events Data Exchange (covered in this section)
  • Digital NOTAM Data Exchange

In terms of CP1, the information exchange covered in this section:

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It captures all requirements related to digital NOTAM service, but excluding the AO and the AISP

A3SG-REF-003CP1/AF5.1.3DNOTAMOperational stakeholders R/T digital NOTAMOperational stakeholders must implement... digital NOTAM… that support the exchange of the aeronautical information… as described in the deployment programme

In terms of SDP

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It extends the roles stated in the SDP,  that do not consider event data originators beyond the airports.

A3SG-REF-025SDP/AF5.3DNOTAMDigital NOTAM Service rolesThe Digital NOTAM information exchange shall be implemented by: • AISPs that are the intended provider of the service • Airports that are the originator of the event data • ANSPs (pre-flight bulletin) that are the intended consumers of the service and the information it provides

It fully covers the functionality stated in the SDP.

A3SG-REF-026SDP/AF5.3DNOTAMDigital NOTAM Service functionalityThe provider of the Digital NOTAM Service ensures that systems implementing the service: • Shall enable the sharing of various event information

It covers the technical aspects stated in the SDP.

A3SG-REF-027SDP/AF5.3DNOTAMDigital NOTAM Service technical aspectsThe provider of the Digital NOTAM Service ensures that systems implementing the service: • Shall conform to EUROCONTROL Digital NOTAM specification • Shall output event information encoded in AIXM 5.1.1

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