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This page concerns v2.0 of the Specification. Supporting material on v1.0 is <tbd>
Title | Service abstract |
Identifier | SWIM-SERV-050 |
Requirement | A service description shall include a short textual description summarising the service. |
Rationale | A good abstract is valuable, in particular during service discovery. The abstract, by ensuring an understanding of the service, supports the decisions on whether the service is suitable for use in a particular situation.
Verification | Completeness: Verify that the element is included. Consistency: Not Applicable. Correctness: Not Applicable. |
Examples/Notes | Note: It is best practice for the abstract to include the information domain(s) covered by the information service, the operational need being addressed by the information service, the intended use of the information service, and the intended consumer audience for the information service. |
Level of Implementation | Mandatory |