According to Annex 14, Aerodrome Mapping Data (AMD) should be made available to the aeronautical information services for aerodromes deemed relevant by States where safety and/or performance-based operations suggest possible benefits.
Annex 15 states that AMD sets shall contain the digital representation of aerodrome features.
PANS-AIM (Doc 10066) further explains that the content of the aerodrome mapping data sets is defined in the industry standards of the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) Document DO-272D/European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) Document ED-99D — User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information.
An Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB) is an AMD set that fulfills industry requirements as specified by EUROCAE ED99() /RTCA DO272() and EUROCAE ED119() / RTCA DO 291(). These requirements include specific business rules and data encoding requirements for the intended applications.
Status: Published