Horizontal extent

In addition to the exact geometry, it is possible to also specify an overall horizontal extent of the vertical structure. This can be done using the length, width and/or radius attributes of the VerticalStructure class:

  • for obstacles that have a circular shape or that have physical elements that are positioned around the main obstacle body in a circular shape (such as guy wires for a pole), the radius attribute is typically used;
  • for obstacles that have a rectangular shape (such as a building) or that have a linear shape (such as a power line, bridge, etc.) the length and width attributes may be used;
  • these attributes may also be used for mobile obstacles in order to indicate the overall dimensions of the rectangular or circular area in which the obstacle or parts of it (such as the moving arm of a crane) may be situated.

Example - Antenna with guy wires

In  AIXM 5 this case will be coded as one VerticalStructure with coding the radius element in order to define the horizontal extent of the guy wire.

Example 1: Masts with Guy Wires
		<aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="uuid.56ef6d9c-4951-4a0b-83d8-95e4836c63c8">
			<gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">56ef6d9c-4951-4a0b-83d8-95e4836c63c8</gml:identifier>
					<aixm:radius uom="M">36</aixm:radius>
						<aixm:VerticalStructurePart gml:id="vsp0010">
							<aixm:verticalExtent uom="M">120</aixm:verticalExtent>
							<aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy uom="M">30</aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy>
								<aixm:ElevatedPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" gml:id="VID000010">
									<gml:pos>55.5185166666667 -24.62186944444445</gml:pos>

Crane (with moving arm)

In  AIXM 5 this case will be coded as one VerticalStructure with coding the radius element in order to define the horizontal extent of the moving arm.

Example 1: Crane
		<aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="uuid.df421db4-3698-4003-9d71-93ca57e70ffc">
			<gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">df421db4-3698-4003-9d71-93ca57e70ffc</gml:identifier>
					<aixm:name xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>
					<aixm:radius uom"M">29</aixm:radius>
						<aixm:VerticalStructurePart gml:id="ID_375">
								<aixm:Note gml:id="ID_379">
										<aixm:LinguisticNote gml:id="ID_380">
											<aixm:note>150 M EAST OF CONTROL TOWER</aixm:note>
							<aixm:verticalExtent uom="M">26.0</aixm:verticalExtent>
							<aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy uom="M">3</aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy>
								<aixm:ElevatedPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" gml:id="ID_376">
									<gml:pos>52.3727777777778 -31.9422222222222</gml:pos>
									<aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">5</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
									<aixm:elevation uom="M">56.0</aixm:elevation>
									<aixm:verticalAccuracy uom="M">3</aixm:verticalAccuracy>
						<aixm:Note gml:id="ID_381">
								<aixm:LinguisticNote gml:id="ID_382">
									<aixm:note>26 M IS A MAXIMUM HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND LEVEL</aixm:note>

Single wind turbine

In AIXM 5 this use case is only applicable if each wind turbine is coded as separate VerticalStructure feature instance (with no relationship to each other).

In case the Wind Turbine(s) shall be coded as part of a Windpark (i.e. as VerticalStructurePart) it is not possible to code the radius (horizontalExtent) of each Wind Turbine as the horizontalExtent element is not available for Vertical Structure Parts

Example 1: Single Wind turbine with horizontal extent
		<aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="TBD">
			<gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">TBD</gml:identifier>
					<!-- horizontalExtent for a windmill rather length and width are appropriate than radius?-->
					<aixm:length xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>
					<aixm:width xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>
					<aixm:radius uom="M">20</aixm:radius>
						<aixm:VerticalStructurePart gml:id="TBD">
							<aixm:verticalExtent uom="M">60</aixm:verticalExtent>
							<aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy uom="M">30</aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy>
							<!-- In case of single part obstacle type of verticalStrcuture shall be the same as for the part.
								 In case of multi part obstacles types may have different values. -->
							<!-- horizontalProjection required by PANS-AIM Table A6-2 "horizontal position" and ENR 5.4,AD 2/3.10 "obstacle position" -->
								<aixm:ElevatedPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" gml:id="TBD">
									<gml:pos>52.36171388888889 -28.03756666666666</gml:pos>
									<aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">50</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
									<aixm:elevation uom="M">550</aixm:elevation>
									<aixm:verticalAccuracy uom="M">30</aixm:verticalAccuracy>
								<aixm:LightElement gml:id="TBD">
						<aixm:Note gml:id="n0002">
								<aixm:LinguisticNote gml:id="ln0002">
									<aixm:note>Horizontal Confidence Level is 90%.</aixm:note>
						<aixm:Note gml:id="n0003">
								<aixm:LinguisticNote gml:id="ln0003">
									<aixm:note>Vertical Confidence Level is 90%.</aixm:note>
						<aixm:Note gml:id="n0004">
								<aixm:LinguisticNote gml:id="ln0004">
									<aixm:note>Horizontal resolution is 1 sec.</aixm:note>
						<aixm:Note gml:id="n0005">
								<aixm:LinguisticNote gml:id="ln0005">
									<aixm:note>Vertical resolution is 1 m.</aixm:note>

Other examples

Obstacles having actually the shape of a polygon coded with a point geometry, a horizontal extend may be specified as length/width.

Point obstacle with horiz. Extent (representing a polygon)
		aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="uuid.7f89403f-a680-41e0-8274-ee498e86ff77">
			<gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">7f89403f-a680-41e0-8274-ee498e86ff77</gml:identifier>
					<aixm:radius uom="M">300</aixm:radius>
						<aixm:VerticalStructurePart gml:id="V-af4ee6d5">
							<aixm:verticalExtent uom="M">133</aixm:verticalExtent>
							<aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy uom="M">30</aixm:verticalExtentAccuracy>
								<aixm:ElevatedPoint srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" gml:id="p1129">
									<gml:pos>52.36171388888889 -23.03756666666666</gml:pos>

A line shape obstacle may also have a horizontal extend (e.g. a power line). In this case the length and width element may be used.

Line Obstacle (with horizontal Extension)
		<aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="uuid.TBD">
			<gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">TBD</gml:identifier>
					<aixm:length uom="M">300</aixm:length>
					<aixm:width uom="M">25</aixm:width>
					<aixm:radius xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>
						<aixm:VerticalStructurePart gml:id="vsp0006-1">
								<aixm:ElevatedCurve srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" gml:id="crv12456">
											<gml:posList>54.33333333 -26.48555556 54.33777778 -26.45777778</gml:posList>