[AIXM-516] Runway Condition Report (new SNOWTAM)

[AIXM-516] Runway Condition Report (new SNOWTAM)



target version:

AIXM 5.2



last updated:

08 AUG 2022




Additional values are introduced for CodeFrictionEstimateType and CodeContaminationType in response to the new runway condition report (RCR) format.

Rationale for change

For the background information please see https://aixmccb.atlassian.net/browse/AIXM-347.

A new runway condition report (RCR) concept entered into force in November 2021, together with a revised version of the SNOWTAM message structure and content. The main changes are:

  • the introduction of a new runway condition code (RWYCC), replacing the current surface friction estimation codes
  • a revised list of contaminants, including layered values that are indicated with a single code
  • adjustments to other parameters that could be reported such as status of aprons/taxiways, snowbanks outside runway, etc.

These changes are already detailed in the PANS Aerodromes 2nd edition and will be introduced as a consequential amendment in the new PANS-AIM, applicable from November 2021. They are also translated in the EU legislation by means of CIR (EU) 2017/373 as amended by CIR (EU) 2020/469 and CIR (EU) 2020/1177.

In order to support the new RCR concept, the following changes are necessary in the AIXM model:

  • the list of values for the friction estimate needs to include the new runway condition codes;
  • the list of values for contamination layers need to include the new RCR values, some of which indicate combined layers, such as ice with water on top.

Impact assessment

[FWD_MAP_1:1] Data mapping is possible and no data loss occurs when data is exchanged from a system (A) that uses AIXM 5.1.1 for output towards a system (B) that uses AIXM 5.2 for input.

[BWD_MAP_1:1] Data mapping is possible and no data loss occurs when data is exchanged from a system (B) that uses AIXM 5.2 for output towards a system (A) that uses AIXM 5.1.1 for input.

Change Proposal details

In the UML model:

For <<data type>> CodeFrictionEstimateType add new values:

  • RWYCC_0 - “Runway condition code 0, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”
  • RWYCC_1 - “Runway condition code 1, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”
  • RWYCC_2 - “Runway condition code 2, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”
  • RWYCC_3 - “Runway condition code 3, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”
  • RWYCC_4 - “Runway condition code 4, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”
  • RWYCC_5 - “Runway condition code 5, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”
  • RWYCC_6 - “Runway condition code 6, determined during the assessment of the runway surface condition.”

For <<data type>> CodeContaminationType add new values:

  • DRY - “Surface free of visible moisture and not contaminated.”
  • STANDING_WATER - “More than 3 mm of water on the surface.”
  • SLIPPERY_WET - ”The surface friction characteristics of have been determined to be degraded on a significant portion of the surface. EASA terminology.” 
  • PREPARED_WINTER_RWY - “A dry frozen surface of compacted snow and/or ice which has been treated with sand or grit or has been mechanically treated to improve friction. EASA terminology.”
  • WET - “Surface is covered by any visible dampness or water up to and including 3 mm deep.”
  • WET_ICE - “Ice with water on top of it or ice that is melting.”
  • DRIFTING_SNOW - “An ensemble of snow particles raised by the wind to small heights above the ground.”
  • LOOSE_SAND - “Loose sand.”
  • CHEMICAL_TREATMENT - “Chemically treated surface.”

For <<data type>> CodeContaminationType delete value:

  • DAMP - “A wee bit wet”.

The UML class diagram to the right shows the modified lists of values.

Mapping AIXM 5.1.1 to AIXM 5.2 (forward)

[MAPC-01] For each SurfaceContaminationLayer that has one of the following type values:

  • “OTHER:DRY” - Replace the value with “DRY”
  • “OTHER:STANDING_WATER - Replace the value with “STANDING_WATER”
  • OTHER:SLIPPERY_WET - Replace the value with “SLIPPERY_WET”
  • OTHER:WET - Replace the value with “WET”
  • DAMP - Replace the value with “WET”
  • OTHER:WET_ICE - Replace the value with “WET_ICE”
  • OTHER:DRIFTING_SNOW - Replace the value with “DRIFTING_SNOW”
  • OTHER:LOOSE_SAND - Replace the value with “LOOSE_SAND”

[MAPC-01] For each SurfaceContamination that has one of the following frictionEstimation values:

  • OTHER:RWYCC_0 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_0”
  • OTHER:RWYCC_1 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_1”
  • OTHER:RWYCC_2 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_2”
  • OTHER:RWYCC_3 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_3”
  • OTHER:RWYCC_4 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_4”
  • OTHER:RWYCC_5 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_5”
  • OTHER:RWYCC_6 - Replace the value with “RWYCC_6”

Mapping AIXM 5.2 to AIXM 5.1.1 (backward)

[MAPC-01] For each SurfaceContaminationLayer that has one of the following type values:

  • DRY - Replace the value with “OTHER:DRY”
  • STANDING_WATER - Replace the value with “OTHER:STANDING_WATER”
  • SLIPPERY_WET - Replace the value with “OTHER:SLIPPERY_WET”
  • WET - Replace the value with “OTHER:WET”
  • WET_ICE - Replace the value with “OTHER:WET_ICE”
  • DRIFTING_SNOW - Replace the value with “OTHER:DRIFTING_SNOW”
  • LOOSE_SAND - Replace the value with “OTHER:LOOSE_SAND”

[MAPC-01] For each SurfaceContamination that has one of the following frictionEstimation values:

  • RWYCC_0 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_0”
  • RWYCC_1 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_1”
  • RWYCC_2 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_2”
  • RWYCC_3 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_3”
  • RWYCC_4 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_4”
  • RWYCC_5 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_5”
  • RWYCC_6 - Replace the value with “OTHER:RWYCC_6”

Mapping example

(Note: for mapping test data see: https://github.com/aixm/mapping_52_511/tree/master/AIXM-xxx

AIXM InputAIXM Output