As explained in the Introduction, not all systems are expected to apply the same rules, in particular when it comes to minimal data. The error level of a rule may also depend on the intended use, as data that could be critical for a system might be of less relevance for another system or use. Therefore, the AIXM Business Rules are organised in Profiles. The profile to which a rule belongs is indicated for each rule/template/instance in the XML export and in the tabular presentation as highlighted in the figures below. Two error levels are considered for the moment, "Error" or "Warning".
Profile indication in the XML presentation of the rules | Profile indication in the tabular presentation of the rules |
For a template that generates several rules, the profiles can be specified both for either the whole template or for each individual rule. Neither takes precedence, in case of discrepancy an error message "Inconsistent" is indicated in the XML file. ...... | For each individual rule the profiles to which it belongs is indicated in the corresponding column as either Error or Warning: |
EAD Data Provider
This profile contains a selection of AIXM features and business rules that are imposed when providing data in AIXM 5.1 format to the European AIS Database (EAD). These rules are classified into two error levels:
- Warning - indicates that the rule is part of the EAD Profile and failure to comply will generate a Warning message. However, the data will be accepted by the EAD.
- Error - indicates that the rule is part of the EAD Profile and failure to comply will generate an upload Error message. It indicates that the whole data set will be rejected. This is the case for rules that prevent data processing failures in EAD. For example, some AIXM 5.1 data needs to be mapped back to AIXM 4.5, which requires some mandatory attributes to be present in the upload file. Therefore, the rules that ensure the presence of these mandatory values are part of the EAD_Error profile.
(ICAO) AIP Data Set Profile
Work in progress.
This profile will contain a selection of business rules that are applicable when providing an AIP Data Set. They correspond to the coding guidelines proposed for AIP Data sets.
(ICAO) Obstacle Data Set Profile
Work in progress.
This profile will contain a selection of business rules that are applicable when providing an Obstacle Data Set. They will correspond to the coding guidelines proposed for Obstacle Data sets (work in progress).
(ICAO) Instrument Flight Procedures Data Set Profile
Work in progress.
This profile will contain a selection of business rules that are applied when providing an Instrument Flight Procedures Data Set. They will correspond to the coding guidelines proposed for Instrument Flight Procedure Data sets (work in progress).
Event (Digital NOTAM) Profile
Work in progress.
This profile will contain a selection of AIXM features and business rules that can be used in order to verify the correctness and completeness of Digital NOTAM data sets. They will correspond to the Digital NOTAM Event Specification coding rules (starting with version 2.0).