Elementary conditions - compare nodes value

Elementary conditions - compare nodes value


IdentifierCondition expressionMeaning


( Object/ dataSet ) has propertyPath value compareWith ( Object)? propertyPath value

A child or descendant element of an AIXM object / data set has a value that satisfies a certain condition when compared with the value of another AIXM object child or  descendant  element. The compareWith condition is one of the Data comparison keywords specified in the Rule vocabulary - using SBVR and AIXM XML elements 

Example: Airspace has timeSlice[1].AirspaceTimeSlice.type value other-than Airspace.timeSlice[2].AirspaceTimeSlice.type value

(Note - this rule detects the change of an Airspace type, which is not supported in certain systems)


( Object/ dataSet ) has propertyPath location compareLocation ( Object)? propertyPath location 

A child or descendant element of an AIXM object / data set has a geographical location that satisfies a certain condition when compared with the location of another AIXM object child or  descendant  element. The compareLocation condition is one of the location comparison keywords specified in the Rule vocabulary - using SBVR and AIXM XML elements 

Example: AirportHeliport has timeSlice[1].AirportHeliportTimeSlice.ARP.ElevatedPoint location further-than 10NM to timeSlice[2].AirportHeliportTimeSlice.ARP.ElevatedPoint location

(Note - this rule detects a potentially incorrect change of an AirportHeliport ARP position.


( Object/ dataSet ) has propertyPath (location / extent) compareExtent ( Object)? propertyPath extent 

A child or descendant element of an AIXM object / data set has a location or extent that satisfies a certain condition when compared with the extent of another AIXM object child or  descendant  element. The compareExtent condition is one of the extent comparison keywords specified in the Rule vocabulary - using SBVR and AIXM XML elements 

Example: AirportHeliport has timeSlice[1].AirportHeliportTimeSlice.ARP.ElevatedPoint location intersecting AirspaceTimeSlice.geometry.AirspaceVolume.horizontalLocation.Surface extent

Example: AirportHeliport has timeSlice[1].AirportHeliportTimeSlice.gml:validTime.gml:TimePeriod extent intersecting timeSlice[2].AirportHeliportTimeSlice.gml:validTime.gml:TimePeriod extent


( Object/ dataSet ) has propertyPath (instant / period) comparePeriod ( Object)? propertyPath period 

A child or descendant element of an AIXM object / data set has a time instant or period that satisfies a certain condition when compared with the time period covered by another AIXM object child or  descendant  element. The comparePeriod condition is one of the extent comparison keywords specified in the Rule vocabulary - using SBVR and AIXM XML elements 

Example: AirportHeliport has timeSlice[1].gml:validTime.TimePeriod period intersecting timeSlice[2].gml:validTime.TimePeriod period

Where propertyPath = property ("." Object "." property)*

Mapping to AIXM XML structure

This elementary condition has the following particularities

  • the "entry node' is an AIXM XML element that corresponds to an AIXM class with stereotype <<feature>> or <<object>>, such as City, ElevatedPoint, etc.
  • although theoretically it is possible for the data set itself to be the entry node, there are not such known cases at present;

The following diagram shows how this elementary condition may be mapped to the AIXM XML structure ( the verb has is interpreted similarly to the Elementary conditions - test descendant nodes value condition)

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