Ongoing discussions within the SWIM communities of interest
2020-03-16 SSCONE-SITCOM
Date: 16 Mar 2020 1400-1530
webex link: | 706 775 248
ID | Title | start | duration |
1 | Welcome | 14:00 | 10' |
2 | Common elements | 14:10 | 15' |
3 | Update on SSCONE tasks | 14:25 | 40' |
4 | Update on SITCOM tasks | 15:05 | 15' |
5 | Any other business | 15:20 | 10' |
6 | Close | 15:30 | - |
Objectives of this meeting are:
- refine work plan
- progress on tasks
Common elements
Update on SSCONE tasks
The updated task list is at SSCONE Tasks.
Service Description Schema
task | description | status |
/wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605512 | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Service Description Schema task'. |
The Service Description Schema is our main task for the beginning of the year.
- /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606102 explains the context with origin and objectives.
- /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606244 provide the log of releases of the schema
Assessment and feedback received:
- /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605552 is an initial assessment looking mostly at conformance to the SD spec.
- Renato provided comments on that assessment (see /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605552)
- the comments stress the need for the schema to cover all information elements from the ICAO Service Overview.
- /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606141 intents to collect the result of our assessment
Work sessions will be defined for detailed discussions.
- Please express your interest to be part of work sessions
Discussions, comments received
- The XML Schema from SWIM Governance was found more structured and easier to use. The embedded rules of what is mandatory or optional was very appreciated. In comparison producing a Service Description using the current JSON Schema brings additional difficulties.
- JSON in itself is not questioned. However the current schema involves more manual work due to poor tooling. Expectation is to get the same level of support as was available with the XSD.
- There is a need for a clear view on the rules, guidance, and tooling. There is a need to do own validation, without having to upload in the Registry. At short term there is the need to know what are the mandatory items. For longer term the expectation is that the schema and tooling would be such that people don't have to read documents / policies / spec.
- There was a comment about the use of ISO 19115 to increase interoperability. Some examples are needed to make clear the impact on the Schema.
- A first series of findings, initially intended for use in Registry CCB, was made available at the end of the meeting (available here).
All these needs will drive our work in the /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605512.
Call for participation to work sessions will be sent later this week.
Update on SITCOM tasks
The updated task list is at SITCOM Tasks.
Work has started on the FAQ - Semantic correspondence.
- WebEx invitations have been sent to those interested in contributing to the task.
- Next WebEx is on 31 March when the first set of inputs will be reviewed.
Any other business
Use of specifications
- Progress on use of the spec? Difficulties encountered?
- Examples to be shared, or to work on?
Next meetings
Meeting schedule is maintained at SSCONE-SITCOM Meetings.
Next progress meeting on 27th Apr 1400.
Close meeting
Status: Working Material