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For a NDB, PANS-AIM requires some specific properties as part of the minimum AIP data set. These are

identification, name, aerodrome served, hours of operation, magnetic variation, frequency...magnetic variation, frequency.., position, ...

In addition, PANS-AIM ENR 4.1 and AD 2.19/AD 3.18 state as requirement

...If the operating authority of the facility is other than the designated governmental agency, the name of the operating authority shall be indicated in the remarks column. Facility coverage shall be indicated in the remarks column.

The diagram below shows the AIXM classes, including the relevant data types, needed to encode that information The main class is the NDB which is a specialisation of the NavaidEquipment.

NDB Frequency

In AIXM 5 the frequency of the NDB emission is coded by using the NDB.frequency attribute.

The corresponding data type contains a uom attribute. For a NDB only the value equal-to 'KHZ' shall be used.

According ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1

  the radio frequencies assigned to NDBs shall be selected from those available in that portion of the spectrum between 190 kHz and 1 750 kHz.

Magnetic Variation

For NDB PANS-AIM Appendx 1 requires the magnetic variation to be provided. For details about the encoding including rules see the topic Magnetic Variation.

NDB Type

This information is not explicitly required by PANS-AIM. However, this information may be relevant for ARINC 424 coding.

In AIXM 5 the NavaidNDB.typeclass attribute may carry the value; 'ENR'  for Enroute NDB,  'L' for Locator - low powered NDB used as an aid for final approach (also known as a compass locator) and 'MAR' for Marine beacon.

ARINC 424 contains 2 dedicated record types for NDB. One for NDB NAVAID (DB) containing all LF and MF NDBs and selected Marine Beacons defined in the enroute structure and one for the Terminal NDB (PN). Both record types contain the data field NAVAID Class (CLASS), that, inter alia, is used to distinguish between NDB, Locator and Marine Beacon (additional classification elements are part of this data field which do not fully coincide with AIXM 5 concept, e.g. codes for high powerd NDB , low powered NDB, etc.).

DME Designator & Name

In general, enroute NDB will carry a three letter character identifier. Locator may have 2 or one character.

The NDB.designator attribute is used to code that data.

The long name given to the DME is coded using the attribute.

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Aerodrome Served

See topic Basic Data for Navaid.


Hours of Operation

See topic Hours of Operation for Navaid.

Magnetic Variation

For NDB PANS-AIM Appendx 1 requires the magnetic variation to be provided. For details about the encoding including rules see the topic Magnetic Variation.

NDB Frequency

In AIXM 5 the frequency of the NDB emission is coded by using the NDB.frequency attribute.

The corresponding data type contains a uom attribute. For a NDB only the value equal-to 'KHZ' shall be used.

According ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1

  the radio frequencies assigned to NDBs shall be selected from those available in that portion of the spectrum between 190 kHz and 1 750 kHz.


See topic Navaid Position & Elevation.

Operating Authority

See topic Operating Authority for Navaid.

Facility Coverage

See topic Facility coverage.

Navaid Collocation

An NDB may be co-located with a MarkerBeacon or a DME.

For details about the coding and rules see topic Landing Systems & Navaid Collocation.

Coding Rules for NDB

IdentifierData Encoding RuleJustificationData Verification Rule (UID)Remarks
NDB-101The DNDB.designator attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
NDB-102The attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
NDB-103The NDB.frequency attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
NDB-104The NDB.location attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
NDB-105The NDB.magneticVariation attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
NDB-105The NDB.dateMagneticVariation attribute should be provided.PANS-AIMTBD
NDB-106The NDB.magneticVariationAccuracy attribute should be provided.PANS-AIMTBD
NDB-107The NDB.designator shall not be duplicated within 600 NM of the location of the NDB.EAD / ICAO Annex 11TBD
NDB-108The value of the NDB.frequency must be in the interval '190' to '1750' 'KHz'.EAD / ICAO Annex 10TBD

If NDB.class equal-to 'L' and related RadioFrequencyArea.type equal-to 'COV' then CircleSector.outerDistance cannot exceed 60km.


Coding Examples

Th efigure below shows an example of different types of NDBs published in ENR 4.1. of an AIP.

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More examples TBD in the scope of the DONLON AIXM AIP data set.