The mapping is limited to certain data items of PANS-AIM. For this purpose, three categories of data items have been defined:
1. Minimum Data Items:
b) Special activity airspace (type, name, lateral limits, vertical limits, restriction, activation);
c) Route (identifier prefixdesignator, flight rules, designator);
d) Route segment (navigation specification , startpoint, endpoint, from point to point, track, distancelength, upper limit, lower limit, minimum en-route altitude (MEA), MOCA, direction of cruising level, reverse minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA), direction of cruising level, required navigation performance);
e) Waypoint - en-route (reporting requirement, identification, location, formation);
f) Aerodrome/Heliport (ICAO location indicator, name, designator IATA, served city, certified ICAO, certification date, certification expiration date, control type, field elevation, reference temperature, magnetic variation, airport reference point);
g) Runway (designator, nominal length, nominal width, surface type, strength);
h) Runway Direction (designator, true bearing, threshold, take off run available (TORA), take-off distance available (TODA), accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA), LDA, rejected TODAlanding distance available (LDA));
i) FATO (designation, length, width, threshold point);
k) Radio navigation aid (type, identification, name, aerodrome/heliport served, hours of operation, magnetic variation, frequency/channel, position, elevation, magnetic bearing, true bearing, zero bearing direction).
When the AIP data set (as specified in PANS-AIM chapter is provided, certain sections of the AIP may be left blank omitted and a reference to the data set availability shall be provided. In PANS-AIM these sections are marked
with #AIP-DS# in PANS-AIM Appendix 2 "Contents of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)" . All data elements that are described in these sections are taken into account for the mapping.
On the right-hand side, you find the AIXM 5.1.1 features and objects the PANS-AIM subject and its properties are mapped to.
Mapping Table
Below the each mapping diagram the corresponding, detailed mapping of the PANS-AIM properties to AIXM 5.1.(1) is provided in tabular form.
A tabular view of the mapping in form of Excel spreadsheets can be accessed via the corresponding File list: In addition, you will find a compiled and complete mapping which is provided directly in the Excel spreadsheets forming the aeronautical data catalogue (PANS-AIM Appendix 1 Mapping to AIXM 5 (Excel Sheets)).
Whereas on the Confluence pages AIXM/SBVR
notation is applied for the AIXM elements, it is planned to use XPath expressions XPath
expressions (XML syntax) within the Excel spreadsheets.