Excerpt |
Possible SWIM COI F2F, as a back-to-back extension of to the SWIM implementation workshop. |
Decision deadline 7/10/19
Decision to be taken / announced latest during 2019-10-07 SITCOM-SSCONE webex
- meet and discuss with Former user (Deleted)
- socialise SWIM COI
- Oliver K points at a possible need for a F2F before the end of the SWIM Governance Implementation Project.
Possible content
- future of the SWIM COIs
- elements from SIR (eg serv defn...)
- parts of SWIMBOK
- better practice...?
- list of AIRM training needs
- decide on focus for 2020
- ...
- socialise SWIM COI
- end of year review: elapsed / future activities
- discuss some technical subjects face to face
- webex counterpart
- The current agenda contains plenary and SITCOM subjects.
- No SSCONE or SWIM-TEC subjects identified.
Tentative Agenda
0900 Welcome
0915 Review of the year / plenary topics / spec status
1000 Coffee
1020 Action items
1050 Work... better practices, training needs
1200 Lunch
1300 Work... better practices, training needs
1500 Coffee
1520 Next year's activities
1545 AOB