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titlePage Table of Conent

Table of Contents

Introduction & Background

This topic contains only those PANS-AIM requirements relevant for a VOR. For general PANS-AIM requirements valid for all kind of Radio navigation aids see topic Basic Data for Navaid.


Station Declination & Zero Bearing Direction

The The VOR.zeroBearingDirection is  is used to code the direction of the 'zero bearing' provided by the station. For example: magnetic north ('MAG'), true north ('TRUE').

The angular difference between the direction of the 'zero bearing' indicated by the station and the direction of the True North at the time the VOR station is calibrated is coded by the attribute VOR.declination.

In case the VOR is assigned to an AirportHeliport (see topic Basic Data for Navaid), the magnetic variation of the VOR has to coincide with that of the related airport/heliport.

titleOpen question zero bearing direction
If the zero Bearing is True North, the station declination is 0 or not applicable?

In some AIPs, also the date (year) when the station declination was measured is published. Unlike for magnetic variation there is no dedicated attribute for station declination contained in AIXM 5. Corresponding information can only be recorded using a Note.

According to PANS-AIM, for VOR the specific station declination should be provided rather than the local magnetic variation. However, in many AIPs the magnetic variation is published instead.

titleAIP context

The example below shows the station declination of the VOR published.

This example shows that both, the station declination of the VOR and the local magnetic variation and the year when it was measured is published.

Operating Authority

See topic topic Operating Authority for Navaid.

Facility Coverage

See topic topic Facility coverage.

For more details see topic

Navaid Collocation

A VOR instance may be collocated with a DME.


A VOR (and TACAN) may only maintain a single collocation relationship at a time. In the AIP collocated VOR and TACAN Navaids are usually referred to as VORTAC or DVORTAC, respectively. 

For more details see


topic Landing Systems & Navaid Collocation.



Coding Examples

Coding examples can also be found in the DONLON AIXM 5.1.1 AIP data set file AIP Data Set - Specimen (DONLON):

No.DescriptionXPath Expression





//aixm:NavaidTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NAV_BOR'] |

//aixm:VORTimeSlice [@gml:id ='VOR_BOR'] |

//aixm:DMETimeSlice [@gml:id ='DME_BOR']




//aixm:NavaidTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NAV_EKO'] |

//aixm:VORTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NAV_EKO']
