Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • global - organisation
    • future of the SWIM COIs
  • global - content
    • elements from SIR (eg serv defn...)
    • parts of SWIMBOK
    • better practice...?
    • list of AIRM training needs
    • decide on focus for 2020
    • ...
  • SWIM-TEC...

    Possible SWIM COI F2F, as a SWIM Communities of interest face-to-face meeting to be held back-to-back extension of with the SWIM implementation workshop.

    Decision deadline 7/10/19

    Decision to be taken / announced latest during  --2019-10-07 SITCOM-SSCONE webex



    • Oliver K points at a possible need for a F2F before the end of the SWIM Governance Implementation Project.

    Possible content

    Meeting details


    Date: 12 Dec 2019  0900-1600

    Location: ECTL HQ Brussels (meeting room "General Aviation")

    webex link:   |  706 775 248    


    The meeting aims to:

    • have end of year review
    • discuss some technical subjects
    • identify future activities

    Table of Contents


    ItemSWIM COITitleTime
    1allWelcome, Objectives, Agenda,0900
    2allReview of the year and specification status0915


    Update on tasks

    4allReview of /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606150 in service development1050
    5SITCOM (star)Review/approval of candidate better practices. See /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/596059931130

    6SITCOM (star)Work on FAQ - Semantic correspondence1300

    7allDiscussion on next year's activities1450
    8allAny other business1535

    (star) These sessions are most relevant to those interested in the information aspects of SWIM. However, they are useful to those developing services.

    1. Welcome


    2. Retrospective & Specification status


    What went well

    • Comments handled by the group; dialogue on comments; the Confluence tool.
    • Supporting material and related discussions are helpful

    What could be improved

    • JSON Schema comes as a surprise. Not only is it a different format (JSON instead of XML), but the structure and ordering  is different and requires analysis to see mapping.
    • Examples should come in JSON as well. Including their conformance assessment.
    • Participants have put their internal work on XML service descriptions on hold. Waiting to know whether the Registry would accept XML as well.
    • Question raised is Why JSON? 

    • There is a lack of coordination with other groups such as EUROCAE WG104 and Registry CCB. This raises concerns. This seems like SWIM stove pipes. The SWIM related activities need be more coordinated. One example is where is the format discussed.
    • The SWIM implementation workshop should have brought a better visibility to the SWIM COIs. 
    • Could we bring together the various COIs and CCBs?
    • Registry decisions have a big impact. Suggestion is to have debrief from Registry in next meeting, that would bring clarity and answers to questions (no need for marketing). Eg on Example, conformance, list of Schemas in Registry, …

    • Level of engagement of some members.

    3. Update on tasks


    Task Evolving the handbook

    • Evergreen (~living doc) vs sprint
      • Both are needed. Depending on kind of changes (whether small correction or completely new advice).  
      • Ok for the change log.
    • Handbooks version is currently 1.0.0 alpha. There is no need to maintain this at alpha.
    • A request is expressed to export all pages as a single pdf doc. This requires an add-on currently not installed for SWIM Confluence.
      •  Investigate about exporting as a single pdf (action WILSON Scott )
      • Note that the "Full table of content" section of the ServDesc handbook or the InfoDefn handbook is a generated TOC listing all pages within the handbook. This is helps in knowing precisely what the content of the handbook is.

    4.-6. Work items


    4. /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606150

    The content was seen as a good starting point. It needs to be updated to ensure consistency with the ICAO SWIM Manual once that is available. Work should continue on these pages next year.

    The change request for IWXXM should be raised. The decision was to support the change of the namespace for the IWXXM-AIXM profile.

    It would be good to have a list of:

    • extensions to the standardised information exchange models
    • models other that the standardised information exchange models

    5. /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605993

    The content of Understanding and recording mappings can be moved to supporting material. Minor edits are to take place before that: improve the title, remove the assumptions as they are no longer relevant.

    The content of the Recording metadata required by the specification can be moved to supporting material. Minor edits are to take place before that: make it clear that all of the options are allowed, add a table outlining the benefits of each option, fully incorporate the example from Using ISO 19115 for Information Definitions.

    6. Semantic correspondence training material

    Notes were added to the page to outline the work required in this area.

    7. Next year's activities


    Evolving objectives & activities

    Elements flowing out of the discussions

    • Registry needs to be made live.
      • Risk exists however that it will be full of services that nobody uses.
    • Operational use may be slow to pick up at least in ATM. UTM may be quicker
      • geofencing initiatives may not be aligned
    • nice to look at WFS for METAR services
    • identify simple use cases where SWIM makes an impact (eg should we be starting with UTM?)
    • make the conformance evidence a stronger requirement
    • check the registry conforms to the specs
    • consider PANS - it will lead to service overviews
    • still focus on the "used effectively" part of the initial objectives. The word support is too strong, it is give advice and highlight advice.


    Participants opted for joint progress meetings on Monday 2pm every 6 week. Invitation will follow

    For other meetings (technical webex or F2F), it would be useful to separate Service subjects from Information subjects, as not everyone is interested in both.  

    8. Any other business


    9. Close
