SWIM Supporting Material

Recording metadata required by the specification


This guidance shows how the "metadata" requirements found in the SWIM Information Definition Specification can be satisfied using the structures found in the XML Schema Definition language and based on common metadata standards. The guidance applies to:

Different approaches

Two ways to record the information required by the specification are detailed.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, both options need to be supported at the present time. 

  • DCAT 2 is focused on catalogue entries and so is a good fit for the needs of the specification. However, it has not been widely adopted in ATM at the time of writing. 
  • ISO 19115:2003 is used in many information exchange models within ATM such as AIXM 5.1.1. It is also mentioned in various ICAO SARPS such as Annex 15. For this reason, it is the metadata standard imported into the AIRM. However, it is focused on resources of a geographical nature and can be seen as too comprehensive for the limited needs of the specification.

DCAT 2 vocabulary

The diagram below shows the metadata fields supported by the W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary (V2).

If we treat an information definition as a "cataloged resource" we get the following mapping.

Requirement numberField requested by the specificationDCAT fieldDCAT definitionNotes
SWIM-INFO-002 Information definition languagelanguagedct:languageA language of the item. This refers to the natural language used for textual metadata (i.e. titles, descriptions, etc) of a cataloged resource (i.e. dataset or service) or the textual values of a dataset distribution
SWIM-INFO-003 Information definition identification

a title by which it is knowndct:titleA name given to the item.
an editiondct:identifierA unique identifier of the itemThe edition (or version) should be expressed as to form a unique identifier in the context of the item
a reference date for use in citing the information definitiondct:issuedDate of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the item.
SWIM-INFO-004 Information definition responsible party

the name of the responsible organisation or person


vcard:organization-name or vcard:hasOrganizationName

vcard:fn or vcard:hasFN (for Person)

Relevant contact information for the cataloged resource. Use of vCard is recommended

To specify the organizational name associated with the object

Use the vCard properties directly
the contact information of the responsible party




To specify the telephone, physical,and electronic mail address for communication with the object
the role played by the responsible partyvcard:hasRoleTo specify the function or part played in a particular situation by the object
SWIM-INFO-005 Information definition scopea textual description of the scope of the information it coversdct:descriptionA free-text account of the item.

Use ISO 19115:2003 metadata fields

The diagram below shows some relevant metadata fields as found is ISO 19115:2003. A mapping of the fields to the language of the specification is then included.

ISO 19115 - MD_Identification

Requirement numberField requested by the specification

ISO 19115 field

Note: the full path to the field is given as the same name is often used in different places.

ISO 19115 definitionNotes
SWIM-INFO-002 Information definition languagelanguageMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.languagelanguage(s) used within the
This does not appear in the latest version of ISO 19115.
SWIM-INFO-003 Information definition identification

a title by which it is knownMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.titlename by which the cited resource is known
an editionMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.editionversion of the cited resource
a reference date for use in citing the information definitionMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.datereference date for the cited

SWIM-INFO-004 Information definition responsible party

the name of the responsible organisation or person
  1. MD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact.CI_ResponsibleParty.individualName
  2. MD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact.CI_ResponsibleParty.organisationName
  1. name of the responsible person surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter
  2. name of the responsible organization
Slightly differently modelled in the latest version of ISO 19115.
the contact information of the responsible partyMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact.CI_ResponsibleParty.contactInfoaddress of the responsible partyHow much detail is required here as ISO has lots of sub-fields
the role played by the responsible partyMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact.CI_ResponsibleParty.rolefunction performed by the
responsible party
ISO has a codelist
SWIM-INFO-005 Information definition scopea textual description of the scope of the information it coversMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.abstractbrief narrative summary of the
content of the resource(s)


The following table gives examples on how to fulfill the requirements using DCAT v2 and ISO 19115.


DCAT 2 example

ISO 19115 example

SWIM-INFO-002 Information definition language


SWIM-INFO-003 Information definition identification
   <dct:title>Donlon TOBT Setting Service Information Definition</dct:title>
   <title>Donlon TOBT Setting Service Information Definition</title>
SWIM-INFO-004 Information definition responsible party
<vcard:hasOrganizationName>Donlon Airport Operator</vcard:hasOrganizationName>
<organisationName>Donlon Airport Operator</organisationName>
SWIM-INFO-005 Information definition scope
<dct:description>Information in support of the Donlon TOBT Setting Service.</dct:description>
<abstract>Information in support of the Donlon TOBT Setting Service.</abstract>

Status: Living Material