SWIM Supporting Material

Change Log

This page lists the changes that have been made to the content on this site.

SWIM Supporting Material
This site contains supporting material for the EUROCONTROL SWIM specifications and related standards. The content is mature but is subject to review, comment and change by the SWIM Community of Interest.

DateEdition (if applicable)Page/subjectChange
2024-07-23-SWIM Supporting Material

Updated to include the new handbooks.

Updated the information box to remove mention of the reference website.

2024-07-23-SWIM Service Definition Handbook v1.0Added the SWIM service definition handbook.
2024-07-23-Information Service Overview Handbook v1.1Added the new version of the information service overview handbook and removed the old version.
2024-06-06-AllMigrated to new confluence site - all pages changed to accommodate new formatting, etc.
2024-05-22-FAQ - Service descriptions v2.0Added two FAQ concerning documenting quality of service and quality of data.
2024-01-18-Service Description Handbook v1.0Archived as no longer to be used. Links removed from main page.
2024-01-18-Service Metadata Schema

Changed table to make it clear that v0.0.3d of the schema is no longer to be used.

Archived the guidance on v0.0.3d.

2023-04-25-Documenting the use of standardised implementationsAdded guidance on the application message exchange pattern.

SWIM-SERV-290 Information definition - minimum

Example service description using the Service Metadata Schema

Changed the example for including references. It is now an array.
2023-01-24-Documenting the use of standardised implementationsAdded to the service description resources section.
2022-09-132.0.0complete handbookVarious updates based on user feedback.

Using Service Categories

Deciding to use an exchange model

Formal Arrangements - Service Level Agreements

Moved to be under v2.0 of the service description handbook. Updated the links to individual requirements where needed.
2022-05-01-Service Metadata SchemaAdded purpose and scope, reformatted so new versions can be added.
2022-05-01-Guidance for JSON service descriptions v0.0.3dRenamed the page to make version explicit. Moved the page to be below the Service Metadata Schema
2022-04-20-FAQ - Service descriptionsAdded question and answer concerning CP1 compliance.
2022-02-28-Main pageAdded links to the other main artefacts: service metadata schema and guidance on service overviews.
2022-02-28-Additional ResourcesRemoved after content moved.
2022-02-28-Service Metadata SchemaMoved.
2022-02-28-Service Identification DocumentRemoved. This was not used and not reviewed by the community since its initial drafts. 


Get into SWIM

Service Orientation Process

Interoperability Architecture

Removed. Preference is to use the reference website from now onwards. Link have been updated as needed. Links also added to the main page.

SWIM Information Definition Handbook v1.0

SWIM Service Description Handbook v1.0

Added version numbers to handbooks

2022-02-17-Main page

Added version numbers to handbooks

Added link to FAQ on semantic correspondence

2022-01-18-FAQ - Service descriptionsNew questions and answers added.
2022-01-18-Deciding to use an exchange modelUpdated to reflect use of proprietary models and extension/governance mechanisms.
2022-01-18-Introduction to the information definition specificationAdded section and diagram on the role of the specification.
2022-01-18-SWIM-INFO-014 Forms of semantic correspondenceExample added to show use of appinfo element.
2022-01-18-SWIM-INFO-012 Use of data typesNote added to explain the use of older versions of the ISO standards.
2022-01-18-SWIM-INFO-005 Information definition scopeExample updated.
2021-10-26-FAQ - Service descriptionsAdded new questions, updated layout.
2021-10-26-FAQ - Semantic correspondenceUpdated question and answer on where to find semantic correspondences.
2021-07-06-Using Service CategoriesAdded page. Added link from SWIM-SERV-009 Service categories.
2021-06-23-Service Metadata SchemaRenamed page and removed old, unsupported versions of the schema. Updated other pages to use the new link.
2021-06-22-Formal Arrangements - Service Level AgreementsAdded page.
2021-01-20-/wiki/spaces/SWIM/pages/60752039Updated definition of service overview to be in line with the SWIM Reference glossary.

Overview of the SWIM-TEC


Updated link to new version of the TIYP Specification. Added link to the resources on the SWIM reference site. Added new definition "authentication".
2020-07-09-SWIM Supporting MaterialUpdated the additional resources to remove broken links and add links to SWIM reference website and the SWIM Registry.

FAQ - Semantic correspondence

Deciding to use an exchange model

New pages added based on agreements of SWIM Community of Interest
2020-06-17-SWIM Supporting Material

Changed the banner that applies to the whole site to make status clear.

Added footer with status that applies to all pages.

Added reference to the SWIM reference site which hosts the "formal" version of the handbook.

Added additional status messages to the top-level pages.

Moved Change Log so it applies to the whole site.


-SWIM-SERV-008 Service providerAdded JSON Guidance


-SWIM-SERV-010 Service standard referenceAdded JSON Guidance


-Format of service descriptionsAdded JSON to the list of formats


-SWIM-SERV-024 Filter capabilitiesAdded JSON Guidance (as a tentative)


-SWIM-SERV-017 Message exchange patternAdded JSON Guidance (as a tentative)


-JSON example - Donlon TOBT Setting service descriptionNew page added. Donlon example in JSON format


1.0.0complete handbook The Service Description and Information Definition Handbooks have been updated from v1.0.0 alpha to v1.0.0.


1.0.0 alpha2SWIM-SERV-017 Message exchange patternnew guidance "Understanding message exchange patterns"
20191.0.0 alphacomplete handbookThe Service Description and Information Definition Handbooks v1.0.0 alpha

Status: Living Material