Date: 23 Apr 2019 1400-1530
webex link: | 706 775 248
ID | Title | start | duration |
1 | Welcome | 14:00 | 10' |
2 | Feedback from previous webex | 14:10 | 5' |
3 | Finalise initial handbook | 14:15 | 30' |
4 | Review the Donlon example | 14:45 | 15' |
5 | Update on other tasks | 15:00 | 15' |
6 | Next meetings | 15:15 | 5' |
7 | Close | 15:20 | - |
Objectives of this meeting are:
- progress on the tasks
- processing review comments
Feedback from previous meeting
Action list
Short-term actions identified during 2019-01-28 SSCONE webex.
- Webex moved from 22 to 23 Apr.
- F2F re-scheduled to 21-23 May.
Update on tasks
The task list is at SSCONE Tasks.
Task /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606295
Task | Description | Status | Priority |
/wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606295 | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Finalise initial handbook'. |
Comments received from: Sam and Oliver Krüger.
Comments are being processed.
- Some actions recorded /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606295
- rework needed for service categories
- update needed for XML example
- Access by SSCONE members to the artefacts from SWIM Governance Implementation Project: this will be resolved by the planned public website that would be available by Oct 2019.
- Should we restrict acccess to some pages before publishing first version of the handbook.
- It is not a problem to go public with Open Questions or Work in Progress elements in web page.
- After updates, can be officially published as first version of service description handbook.
Task /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606173
Task | Description | Status | Priority |
/wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606173 | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Review the Donlon example'. |
Comments received from: Steffen Beringer and Oliver Krüger.
Comments are being processed
- A conformance matrix has been added for the Donlon example: Conformance assessment - Donlon example. This makes clear that the example service description is not complete (eg access and use conditions; eg example code)
- Example Code: probably not possible for the Donlon example. We will have to wait for an example of a service that is effectively implemented.
- Making services using a specific data format (eg GRIB2) more discoverable. This could be resolved by making a field explicit in the Registry. Oliver K. will propose this to the Registry requirement gathering activity.
- Reordering of section for better readability (eg business experts, developers)
- Expanding the Table of Content improves reading by making clear the structure of the document.
- Any suggestion for an improved reading (eg improved ordering of sections) is welcome.
- The idea of having a template for a textual service description that would generate an XML service description is not retained currently.
- Additional / better examples: Oliver K. indicates that LFV has written full fledge Service Descriptions Documents (SDDs) for their services. These could become interesting examples.
- Former user (Deleted) Check whether LFV would allow SSCONE to make use of their SDDs as examples.
Task /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606015
Task | Description | Status | Priority |
/wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59606015 | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Process Change Request 168/1'. | To be closed by next F2F. |
Added a table of discussion points about the 2 options. The main point of discussion is: which SWIM specification should require the AIRM conformance?The Information Definition specification? The Service Description specification? Or both? The answer may be crucial to handling the CR.
- This will be further discussed during F2F.
Task Conformance assessment
Task | Description | Status | Priority |
/wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605293 | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Conformance assessment'. | yes |
Agenda point for F2F (where someone from SWIM Governance Implementation Project will present the principles of SWIM Compliance)
Added example for Donlon: Conformance assessment - Donlon example.
- not discussed.
Any other business
Use of specifications
- Progress on use of the spec?
- Difficulties encountered?
- Examples to be shared, or to work on?
Next meetings
Meeting schedule is maintained at SSCONE Meetings.
Next Webex on ==.
Combined F2F on 21-23 May
- Day 1 (1300-1700) - SITCOM
- Day 2 (0900-1700) - SWIM Education Session (combined SSCONE, SITCOM & SWIM-TEC)
- Day 3 (0900-1600) - SSCONE
About SSCONE day
- Question: someone interested in presenting something? In sharing experience?
- Eg MET-GATE project? Steffen B. will come back on the suggested use of some MET-GATE services.