Airport/Heliport (Overview)

The figure below shows the main AIXM 5 classes used for the airport/heliport concept.

The main class in this AIXM model is the AirportHeliport containing the basic data, such as the name and designator.

The designator of the airport/heliport may be the same as its ICAO location indicator (if any) or the IATA code (if any). In case the airport/heliport has none, an artificial designator will be coded.

The type attribute is used to define if the feature is an airport or a heliport, etc..

Additional attributes are used for encoding information e.g. about the elevation of the airport, its magnetic variation and certification details.

The AirportHeliport may serve one or more City.

The AirportHeliport will have one ARP (Aerodrome Reference Point) defined by a Point.

The AirportHeliport may be underResponsibilityOf an OrganisationAuthority. The AirportHeliportResponsibilityOrganisation class characterises the role of the organisation or authority which is responsible for the airport/heliport (e.g it owns the airport, or provides aeronautical information).

ContactInformation may be provided for the AirportHeliport and/or OrganisationAuthority.

The availability of the AirportHeliport, such as the type of traffic permitted, may be provided via the AirportHeliportAvailability and its related classes.