AerodromeSurfaceLighting encoding


AerodromeSurfaceLighting encoding

This section provides ‘AerodromeSurfaceLighting’ feature data encoding guidance.


AMD data encoding can start when the necessary geographic information, aeronautical information and basic knowledge regarding the structure of created feature is available. 

From the geographical point of view, the AerodromeSurfaceLighting represents one or more light sources located on the ground that provide visual assistance for air and ground navigation. This position is represented by one point and only this point shall be measured. The key attributes are the longitude, latitude and the elevation in reference with WGS-84. In the next part the process of converting the geographical information into the GML form thus into geometry information is described.

Based on Aeronautical Data Catalogue the required type of geometry for feature GroundLightSystem is 'Point'. The definition of geometry type Point can be found in the Table A1-9 Data types of the Aeronautical Data Catalogue.

AMD encoding

AIXM 5.1

ED-99 feature AerodromeSurfaceLighting is mapped to the AIXM 5.1 as abtract feature GroundLightSystem. GroundLightSystem is specialized into multiple features:

  • ApproachLightingSystem
  • ApronLightSystem
  • GuidanceLineLightSystem 
  • RunwayDirectionLightSystem
  • RunwayProtectAreaLightSystem
  • TaxiHoldingPositionLightSystem
  • TaxiwayLightSystem
  • TouchDownLiftOffLightSystem
  • VisualGlideSlopeIndicator

Each of these features can contain one or multiple elements - Light Elements, where every single element represents specific light.


In the AIXM 5.1 the geometry of the LightElement is Point defined by ElevatedPoint.

For more information regarding AIXM 5.1 Geometry encoding follow 'AIXM data coding'.

GML considerations:

AIXM 5.1 is based on GML. Hence, obtained geographical locations shall be transferred into a GML geometry object pos.

Figure 1 : AerodromeSurfaceLighting


Feature GroundLightSystem shall be established in accordance with coding rules and requirements listed in AIXM 5.1 Temporality Model.

AIXM 5.1 features

AerodromeSurfaceLighting is encoded to the AIXM 5.1 as abstract feature GroundLightSystem.

All associations are shown in the UML Diagram (see below).

Ground Light System feature


UML Diagram (Lightning/Surface Lightning)


Content of example

The following AMD properties are not covered in the AIXM 5.1. coding example: vres, hres, integr, lgtuse. These are covered by an AIXM 5.1. extension.

Coding example - Structure of message

<AIXMBasicMessage  ...>
    <aixm:AirportHeliport gml:id="uuid.0b7a2688-ab95-47e6-82c2-23fe321c4a48">
    <aixm:Taxiway gml:id="uuid.3ae48a00-5f20-42c4-bb60-032252a56aa6">
    <aixm:TaxiwayLightSystem gml:id="uuid.90ae4de9-2d29-475d-b19b-b299fec138ed">

Coding example - TaxiwayLightSystem

    <aixm:TaxiwayLightSystem gml:id="uuid.90ae4de9-2d29-475d-b19b-b299fec138ed">
      <gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">90ae4de9-2d29-475d-b19b-b299fec138ed</gml:identifier>
        <aixm:TaxiwayLightSystemTimeSlice gml:id="uuid.e0bd82f8-a6b7-48c8-8a05-0048759a0373">
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.ca140965-7dd3-449b-9b90-dafd83ac03c6">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.83783a95-2b76-419f-a24e-074a8ba0e5e3">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
            <aixm:LightElement gml:id="uuid.bf1fedcd-262e-43be-9fdd-dae9720dc220">
                <aixm:ElevatedPoint gml:id="uuid.2e51076d-25c5-4303-8aee-847c8e2ff7ee" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
                  <gml:pos>50.11551119 14.27426072</gml:pos>
                  <aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">0.5</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
                  <aixm:verticalAccuracy uom="M">0.5</aixm:verticalAccuracy>
            <aixm:LightElement gml:id="uuid.860ce78d-a264-44f0-aed3-9fc5fb98786f">
                <aixm:ElevatedPoint gml:id="uuid.b485d73b-7a6e-467f-8ed1-60d619074f40" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
                  <gml:pos>50.11551033 14.27451419</gml:pos>
                  <aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">0.5</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
                  <aixm:verticalAccuracy uom="M">0.5</aixm:verticalAccuracy>
          <aixm:lightedTaxiway xlink:href="#3ae48a00-5f20-42c4-bb60-032252a56aa6" xlink:title="Z" />

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