Note: This is not mapped directly. It can be calculated based on the feature type and some attributes.
ED-119/DO-291 | AIXM 5.1.1 |
feattype | Â |
runway_element [0] | RunwayElement[type='NORMAL'] |
runway_intersection [1] | RunwayElement[type='INTERSECTION'] |
threshold [2] | RunwayCentrelinePoint[role='THR' OR 'DISTHR'] |
runway_marking [3] | RunwayMarking |
centerline [4] | RunwayMarking[markingLocation='CL'] |
lahso [5] | RunwayMarking[markingLocation='OTHER:LAHSO'] |
arrest_gear [6] | ArrestingGear |
runway_shoulder [7] | RunwayElement[type='SHOULDER'] |
stopway [8] | RunwayProtectArea[type='STOPWAY'] |
runway_displaced_area [9] | RunwayElement[type='DISPLACED'] |
clearway [10] | Note: This is not used in ED-99 |
fato [11] | Runway[type='FATO'] |
tlof [12] | TouchDownLiftOff |
helipad_threshold [13] | RunwayCenterlinePoint[role='THR'] and onRunway.RunwayDirection.usedRunway.Runway[type='FATO'] |
taxiway [14] | TaxiwayElement[type='NORMAL'] |
taxiway_shoulder [15] | TaxiwayElement[type='SHOULDER'] |
taxiway_guidance_line [16] | GuidanceLineMarking[markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine[type='TWY']] |
taxiway_intersection_marking [17] | TaxiwayMarking[markingLocation='TWY_INT'] |
taxiway_holding_position [18] | TaxiwayHoldingPosition |
exit_line [19] | GuidanceLineMarking[markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine[type='RWY']] |
frequency_area [20] | GroundTrafficControlService |
apron_element [21] | ApronElement |
stand_guidance_taxiline [22] | GuidanceLineMarking[markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine[type='GATE_TLANE']] |
parking_stand_location [23] | AircraftStand |
parking_stand_area [24] | ApronElement[type='PARKING'] |
deicing_area [25] | DeicingArea |
aerodrome_reference_point [26] | AirportHeliport |
vertical_polygon_object [27] | VerticalStructure |
vertical_point_object [28] | VerticalStructure |
vertical_line_object [29] | VerticalStructure |
construction_area [30] | WorkArea |
survey_control_point [31] | SurveyControlPoint |
asle [32] | AeroGroundLight |
blastpad [33] | RunwayBlastPad |
service_road [34] | Road |
water [35] | - |
hotspot [36] | AirportHotSpot |
runway_centerline_point [37] | RunwayCentrelinePoint |
arresting_system_location [38] | ArrestingGear[engageDevice='EMAS'] |
asrn_edge [39] | - |
asrn_node [40] | - |
bridge_side [41] | - |
atc_blind_spot [42] | - |
aerodrome_sign [43] | - |
position_marking [44] | - |
deicing_group [45] | - |
Status: Published