service definitions for meteorological information services

Reference Material

Task Status

This page is part of the ongoing SWIM communities of interest discussions. The content is working material. It should not be treated as final as it is still subject to review, comment and change.

This section groups a number of resources that are used to ease the discussions on the service landscape and service definitions.


Regulatory background

EU Common Project One (2021/116)

List the information exchanges to be implemented.
SESAR Deployment ProgrammeExplains how to deploy CP1.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Chapter 2 of Annex V to (EU) 2017/373 contains meteorological information requirements.
ICAO Annex 3Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation

Background material

Information Service Reference Model - Service DescriptionsA set of service description documents (SDDs) that may be of relevance. These come from SESAR solution 46 - ISRM.

Other, of less interest but may contain ideas to inform our discussions:

SESARA set of solutions and projects from SESAR that may be of relevance.

EUROCONTROL specifications

Industry standards

OGC Standards
  • Web Feature Service (WFS) for direct fine-grained access to geographic information at the feature and feature property level.
  • Web Map Service (WMS) for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases.
  • Web Coverage Service (WCS) for accessing multi-dimensional coverage data over the Internet.
  • Filter encoding standard that details a system neutral syntax for expressing projections, selection and sorting clauses collectively called a query expression.

Understanding service definitions

Service Definition - Minimum Requirements

This page:

  • outlines the purpose and scope of service definitions
  • sets out the minimum content of a service definition
Service Definition TemplateThe template translates the minimum requirements into a table that can be completedService definition template

Understanding the scope of the work