service definitions for meteorological information services

Service Architecture Team

This page details the purpose, scope and working arrangements for the Service Architecture Team (SAT).


The Service Architecture Team (SAT) is responsible for:


The SAT involves the following roles:

  • Leader
    • responsible for making sure the team meets and is run effectively.
    • works with the architect to setup a plan for service design work e.g. taking into account dependencies.
  • Architect 
    • responsible for the service related artefacts (architecture, service definitions, etc).
    • works with the leader to setup a plan for service design work e.g. taking into account dependencies.
  • Expert
    • responsible for ensuring that the architecture and service definitions reflect the subject matter and requirements at hand.
    • Thematic expert. Experts may be assigned a "theme" to research and manage at the meetings.

Operating Means

The SAT will have:

  • face-to-face meetings according to a published schedule;
  • teams meetings on a regular basis.


The SAT will use a specific workflow in order to ensure the meetings are efficient and productive. In summary:

Before the meeting
Collect themesList of themes to be worked on.All
Select themesSelect the themes to be worked on during this iteration. This can be done at a meeting of all members.Leader, All
Call for interestOnce the themes have been selected a call for interest will be sent out. A thematic expert can be assigned.Leader
Compile existing materialThe existing material has to be collected by the thematic expert. This preparatory step should be done with a view to easing the work of the SAT.Thematic expert
PreparationIn preparation for the meeting, the compiled material should be read carefully by the team members.All
Work on selected themes

The team meets and works on the selected themes based on the existing materials.

  • The leader leads the meeting
  • The thematic expert manages the discussion on a theme
  • All experts contribute to the output
  • The architect captures the outputs
After the meeting
Tidy upFinal tidy up to the outputs of the meeting takes place.Architect
ReviewThe output of the meeting is reviewed by all members.All
ImplementationThe architect will complete the documents as agreed.Architect