Ongoing discussions within the SWIM communities of interest
Welcome, introduction, agenda |
Overview of service and information developments |
Message metadata​
Supervision/monitoring of a service​
Any other business, next meeting, summary |
The presentations used for the meeting are available below.
Overview of service and information developments
The and are now mature and can be published to the supporting material website. It was agreed to not have a dedicated example as there are real-world examples available.
The decision to publish will be taken at the 22nd July meeting. In the meantime feel free to share comments.
The new SWIM wiki is available and will be used from now on. The old confluence site will be taken off line soon.
The landing page still misses a few items such as the PKI. These can be added over time.
The presentations on this topic were welcomed. Although no action is foreseen, it would be appreciated if there were more updates on this topic at future meetings.
The role of the Operational Data Completeness catalogue for upstream services rather than downstream services should be explained in a dedicated SSCONE-SITCOM page.
Message metadata - Supervision/monitoring of a service
These items will be discussed further within SWIM-TEC. A number of inputs were collected and will form part of the ‘literature review’ before going forward.
Any other business
The role on NewPENS for critical services was discussed. This is seen as essential given the increasing number of denial of service attacks on internet-based services.
The SESAR Deployment Programme says: The Network Manager system and operational stakeholder systems shall be upgraded to support the exchange of information in compliance with the EUROCONTROL SWIM Specifications, either through the Public Internet and/or NewPENS. The choice of communication service depends on a business criticality assessment from where minimum performance requirements are identified.​
The Information Management Team asked the SWIM COI to explore XML/JSON. The action is being handled by SWIM-TEC but with SSCONE-SITCOM members welcome to join the task team.
Status: Working Material