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Data scope

The AIP Data Set contains subjects and properties defined in the PANS-AIM

 to the corresponding AIXM 5 features and attributes.

The mapping is limited to certain data items of PANS-AIM Data Catalogue. These pages contain the mapping of these data subjects. For this purpose, three categories of data items have been defined:

1. Minimum Data Items:

According to PANS - AIM chapter item, the "The AIP data set shall include data about the following subjects, with the properties indicated in brackets being included as a minimum (if applicable)":

a) ATS airspace (type, name, lateral limits, vertical limits, class of airspace);

b) Special activity airspace (type, name, lateral limits, vertical limits, restriction, activation);

c) Route (identifier prefixdesignator, flight rules, designator);

d) Route segment (navigation specification , startpoint, endpointfrom point to point, track, distancelength, upper limit, lower limit, minimum en-route altitude (MEA), MOCA, direction of cruising level, reverse minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA), direction of cruising level, required navigation performance);

e) Waypoint - en-route (reporting requirement, identification, location, formation);

f) Aerodrome/Heliport (ICAO location indicator, name, designator IATA, served city, certified ICAO, certification date, certification expiration date, control type, field elevation, reference temperature, magnetic variation, airport reference point);

g) Runway (designator, nominal length, nominal width, surface type, strength);

h) Runway Direction (designator, true bearing, threshold, take off run available (TORA), take-off distance available (TODA), accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA), LDA, rejected TODAlanding distance available (LDA));

i) FATO (designation, length, width, threshold point);


k) Radio navigation aid (type, identification, name, aerodrome/heliport served, hours of operation, magnetic variation, frequency/channel, position, elevation, magnetic bearing, true bearing, zero bearing direction).

All these data items are part of the mappingmarked as "minimum" in the mapping tables and diagrams and are considered mandatory for inclusion in the AIP Data Set.

2. Conditional Data Items

In addition, also those sections which are marked with #AIP-DS# in PANS-AIM Appendix 2 According to PANS - AIM item, when the AIP data set is provided, certain sections of the AIP document may be omitted and a reference to the data set availability shall be provided. In PANS-AIM, Appendix 2, "Contents of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)" these sections are marked with #AIP-DS#. All data elements that appear in these AIP sections, and which are not already identified as "minimum" are taken into account for the mapping(because they are not explicitly part of the list of subjects/properties mention in PANS-AIM, are marked as "conditional" in the mapping tables and diagrams.


When the AIP does no longer contain the tables marked as #AIP-DS#, the corresponding "conditional" data elements become mandatory for inclusion in the AIP Data Set, because the Data Set becomes the unique source of the data.

Where required (e.g. for flight planning or ARINC 424 compatibility purposes) also other additional data elements may be included in the mapping and are marked correspondinglyas "conditional".

3. Optional Data Items

Apart from the minimum and conditional properties, the PANS-AIM Appendix 1 "Aeronautical Data Catalogue" contains  contains additional properties for the different subjects listed above. These are considered "optional" and are marked as such, but are currently not included .

Mapping Scope

The mapping covers in detail all minimal and conditional data items mentioned above. The optional data items are not mapped into AIXM, but they appear in the mapping diagrams.

How to read

For each PANS-AIM AIP data set subject a dedicated Confluence page is provided.

Each subject page contains at least:




brief description about the PANS-AIM subject to be mapped and if required an explanation about the


specific structure of the specific subject mapping.

Mapping Diagram(s)

One or more mapping diagrams are provided (depending on the complexity of the AIXM 5.1.1 model).

On the left-hand side of the diagram, the PANS-AIM subject with its attributes (in yellow


colour) is shown. The attributes are sorted as they are in PANS-AIM Appendix 1 (Aeronautical Data Catalogue).

Next to each attribute you find its data type as defined in PANS-AIM Appendix 1 (Aeronautical Data Catalogue). The PANS-AIM data type of the property is


considered for the mapping. For example, a type that is text in PANS-AIM might require in AIXM two attributes, such as a code and a Note (type Description).

On the right-hand side, you find the AIXM 5.1.1 features and objects the PANS-AIM subject and its properties are mapped to.

Mapping Table



each mapping diagram the corresponding, detailed mapping of the PANS-AIM properties to AIXM 5.1.(1) is provided in tabular form.


In addition, you will find a compiled and complete mapping which is provided directly in the Excel spreadsheets forming the aeronautical data catalogue (PANS-AIM Appendix 1 Mapping to AIXM 5 (Excel Sheets)


Whereas on the Confluence pages AIXM/SBVR

 notation is applied for the AIXM elements, it is planned to use XPath expressions (XML syntax) within the Excel spreadsheets.




