Date: 26 Aug 2019 1400-1530
webex link: | 706 775 248
ID | Title | start | duration |
1 | Welcome | 14:00 | 10' |
2 | Update on tasks | 14:10 | 40' |
3 | Close | 14:50 | - |
**check my personal room (cf refused). Asked IT desk
**CHECK FAQ (+ public access to)
**CHECK Comments
- Start a comment page!
- QA à versioning
- Question: F2F as well? à reserve mtg room
Objectives of this meeting are:
- combining webexes with SITCOM
- feedback from review
- progress on the tasks
Combining SSCONE & SITCOM meetings?
Motivation: Avoid repetition in administrative area. Overlap in content and membership.
The idea has been accepted last week by SITCOM members.
Day and Time ...
Feedback from previous meetings
Notes from previous meeting are in 2019-07-15 SSCONE webex.
Update on tasks
The updated task list is at SSCONE Tasks.
Feedback on review
Feedback was requested on changes in the handbook.
Eg New part of the supporting material: Additional Resources
- with material out of "Get into SWIM"
- including the notion of Service Overview, with an example
Any feedback available?
→ agree with these 4 tasks? **(maybe go through the updated handbook)
Remaining tasks
**copy table here
Any other business
Use of specifications
- Progress on use of the spec?
- Difficulties encountered?
- Examples to be shared, or to work on?
Next meetings
Meeting schedule is maintained at SSCONE Meetings.
Next Webex on 7th Oct 1400: combined SITCOM & SSCONE.
Reserve the dates for the SWIM Service Implementation Workshop on 9-11 December (09/12 1330 - 11/12 1230). The 2019-12-09 to 11 SWIM Service Implementation Workshop is a response to the wishes expressed at the "Get into SWIM" session.
Question: Holding a F2F on the day after the workshop (12 Dec)?