Radio Mandatory in CTR

Radio Mandatory in CTR

The Flight Restrictions model of AIXM can (theoretically) be used for coding the mandatory carriage of radio communication equipment in an existing Airspace, such as a 'CTR', avoiding the coding of a dedicated 'RMZ' Airspace for that purpose. In this case, the following elements are used:

  • a FlightRestriction element with type equal-to 'FORBID', having a FlightConditionCombination with the logicalOperator equal-to 'ANDNOT' and with the following child elements:
    • an element.FlightConditionElement.flightCondition.FlightConditionElementChoice.airspaceCondition indicating the Airspace concerned. This FlightConditionElement must also indicate what type of relation exists between the flight an the airspace, using the operationalCondition.FlightConditionCircumstance.relationWithLocation with an assigned value equal-to 'XNG' (crossing), 'ARR' (arriving into) or 'DEP' (departing from) as appropriate. The typical value is 'XNG' (crossing the airspace), which covers both entering/exit and flights inside the airspace.
    • an element.FlightConditionElement.flightCondition.FlightConditionElementChoice.aircraft.AircraftCharacteristic with communicationEquipment equal-to 'OTHER:RADIO' (Note: the current list of values for AircraftCharacteristic.communicationEquipment does not have a general "radio equipment" value. It has specific values such as 'VHF', 'UHF', 'VHF_833', etc. );

Note: the presence of the Airspace concerned in the conditions branch of the FlightRestriction allows to also mark that Airspace as "reference location", using the operationalCondition.FlightConditionCircumstance.referenceLocation property. The purpose of the reference location is to enable an initial filtering of the flights that are verified for compliance with restrictions.

XML Coding Example

Radio mandatory carriage (also known as "RMZ") in CTR Donlon (xxx.xml)Comments

  The designator element provides a human-readable coded identifier for the restriction, if applicable.

  The type equal-to 'FORBID' element indicates that the flights fulfilling the condition branch are not allowed. As there is no specified routing branch, such flights are not allowed in any circumstances.

  The logicalOperator equal-to 'ANDNOT' indicates how the two child elementary conditions are combined 

 This is the first FlightConditionElement composing the "conditions" branch. It indicates that the flights concerned are those crossing the Airspace that has its gml:identifier equal-to '21a13c9f-a8ff-4fdd-9aaa-5dbfd91514b9'. This UUID value corresponds to the Donlon CTR, a fictitious airspace that is part of the "Donlon" AIP Data Set sample.

  This second FlightConditionElement indicates that the aircraft concerned by the restriction are those that do not (note the operator 'ANDNOT' meaning!) have radio equipment