Controlling Unit for En-route Holding
PANS-AIM "ENR 3.6 En-route Holding" also requires as part of the conditional data for the AIP data set an:
7) indication of the controlling unit and its operating frequency.
The diagram below shows the AIXM classes, including the relevant data types, needed to encode that information:
A Service has to be encoded, either using the AirTrafficControlService class and/or the InformationService class.
The Service will be provided by a Unit. At least the has to be provided.
The Service will use one or more RadioCommunicationChannel. At least the RadioCommunicationChannel.frequencyTransmission, and in case of bidirectional communication also the RadioCommunicationChannel.frequencyRecpetion has to be coded.
Subsequently, the encoded Service is related to the HoldingPattern it controls or concerns.
For more details and coding rules for the RadioCommunicationChannel see topic Radio Communication Channel [RCC].
Coding Rules for Controlling Unit for En-route Holding
Coding Examples
Coding Examples can be found in the DONLON AIP data set sample file.
No. | Description | XPath Expression |
ATC-EX-01 UNI-EX-01 RCC-EX-01 HPT-EX-06 | Controlling Unit for Holding Pattern | //aixm:AirTrafficControlServiceTimeSlice[@gml:id ='ATC_AMSWELL_ACC'] | //aixm:UnitTimeSlice[@gml:id ='UNI_AMSWELL_ACC'] | //aixm:RadioCommunicationChannelTimeSlice[@gml:id ='RCC_AMSWELL_ACC'] | //aixm:HoldingPatternTimeSlice[@gml:id ='HPT_BOR_090_1MIN'] |