SWIM Supporting Material
Detailing the concepts using XSD
This guidance shows how requirements concerning the concepts found in an information definition can be satisfied using the structures found in the XML Schema Definition language.The guidance applies to:
- SWIM-INFO-006 Information definition namespace
- SWIM-INFO-007 Information definition concepts
- SWIM-INFO-008 Unique identifiers for concepts
- SWIM-SERV-022 Information definition
Mapping of requirement to XML Schema definition language
Requirement | Corresponding structure in XSD | Example |
General Requirements for Information Definitions | ||
SWIM-INFO-006 Information definition namespace | XSD namespaces | xmlns:don="http://www.swim.donlon-airport.com/swim-ops/gateway" |
SWIM-INFO-007 Information definition concepts  | ||
name | xs:element name | <xs:element name="SimpleMessage"> |
definition | xs:annotation | <xs:element name="SimpleMessage"> |
data type | xs:element type or xs:restriction base | <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"> or <xs:restriction base="xs:double"/> |
SWIM-INFO-008 Unique identifiers for concepts | xs:element id | <xs:element name="status" id="abcd"/> |
Requirements coming from SWIM-SERV-022
Additional Requirement on Exchanged Information | ||
cardinality (optional, conditional, mandatory) | xs:element minOccurs and maxOccurs | <xs:element ref="sid:status" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
data type constraint | Â | Â |
value range constraint | xs:restriction | <xs:simpleType name="messageSequenceType"> |
special value constraint | xs:restriction | <xs:simpleType name="statusType"> |
character set restrictions | xml encoding | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
structure and relevant relationships | combination of sequence, choice, base, etc. | Too many to show! |
Status: Living Material