SWIM Supporting Material

SWIM-SERV-060 Service provider

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Service provider




A service description shall include the following information about the service provider:

  • name;
  • abbreviated name (if applicable); and
  • description of the organisation responsible for the service.


Knowing the service provider is essential to business experts.


Completeness: Verify that the elements are included.

Consistency: Not Applicable.

Correctness: Not Applicable


Example: Donlon Airport Operator, the operator in charge of Donlon Airport.

Note: Consider including information on provider certification when relevant for the service being described (e.g., for a Meteorological service).

Level of Implementation



Knowing the name (and abbreviated name) of the service provider is essential to business experts and service consumers in order to ensure they know with whom they are interacting.

Likewise, the service consumer may need to know about the certification when relevant for the service being described (e.g. for a regulated Meteorological service provider).

Verification Support


Check that:

[  ] The service description includes the service provider's name.

[  ] The service description includes the service provider's abbreviated name (if applicable).

[  ] The service description includes the description of the organisation responsible for the service.


The following example shows the content as a table.

service provider

nameDonlon Airport Operator
abbreviated nameDAO
descriptionDonlon Airport Operator is the organisation responsible for all operations at Donlon airport.

The following example shows an extract of the content of a JSON file that conforms to the Service Metadata Schema

Example of SWIM-SERV-060 using Service Metadata Schema
"serviceProvider": {
 "provider": "Donlon Airport Operator",
 "abbreviation": "DAO",
 "providerDescription": "Donlon Airport Operator is the organisation responsible for all operations at Donlon airport.",

Complete examples are available at Example service description.

Status: Living Material