SWIM Supporting Material

SWIM-SERV-140 Service functions

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Service functions




A service description shall include or refer to information about:

  • the functions offered by the service in support of its capabilities; and
  • their associated real-world effects


The functions provide business and operational experts with a business view of the interactions with the service without having to look at the interface details.


Completeness: Verify that the elements are included.

Consistency: Verify that the functions and real-world effects are consistent with the operational needs.

Correctness: Not Applicable.


Note: A function is a type of activity describing the functionality of a service. Every function usually (but not always) can be mapped to service operations; i.e., functions provide a “business view” and service operations provide a “technical view” of a particular service activity.

Note: A real-world effect is an ultimate purpose associated with the interaction with the service. It is the change that is relevant to and experience by the stakeholders. It generally has an operational impact. It may be the response to a request for information or the change in the state of some entities shared between the participants in the interaction.

Example functions and real-world effects:


real-world effect

Retrieve a list of flights

Information on the state of the network has been shared.

Allow service consumers to requests the latest available Pan European 3D RADAR data

Information has been shared; the service consumer gets the requested data.

Provide Departure Planning Information (DPI)

NM systems updated with the information; NM systems publish the resulting flight update.

Set Target Off-Block Time

The Target Off-Block Time (TOBT) value is defined.

Level of Implementation



Business View

  • The functions provide business and operational experts with a business view of the interactions with the service, without having to look at the technical interface details.
  • The service operations provide a technical view of the interactions.
  • Every function is usually (but not always) mapped to service operations.

The Examples/Notes in the specification give a good summary of "function" and "real-world effect". In general, the function can be seen as an "action" that produces a "side-effect".

However, the definition of a "real-world effect" can sometimes be seen as abstract when dealing with information services. The following examples may help:

  • It is possible to use a phrase such as "information is shared" when that is the purpose of the function e.g. retrieving a list of flights.
  • Phrases such as "pilots are informed" are possible when the end-use of the information is not possible to discern but the end user is known.

Verification Support


Check that:

[  ] The service description includes or refers to information about the functions offered by the service in support of its capabilities.

[  ] The service description includes or refers to information about their associated real-world effects.


Check that:

[  ] The functions and real-world effects are consistent with the operational needs.


The following example shows the content as a table.

service functions

functiondescriptionAllow the service consumer to set (i.e. define or update) the TOBT value for a specific flight.
real-world effectPlease refer to the A-CDM Implementation Manual for more information on the impact of the TOBT value at various stages of the A-CDM process.
functiondescriptionAllow the service consumer to delete the TOBT value for a specific flight.
real-world effectPlease refer to the A-CDM Implementation Manual for more information on the impact of the TOBT value at various stages of the A-CDM process.

The following example shows an extract of the content of a JSON file that conforms to the Service Metadata Schema

Example of SWIM-SERV-140 using Service Metadata Schema
"generalDescription": {
 "functionality": [{
  "name": "Set TOBT",
  "description": "Allow the service consumer to set (i.e. define or update) the TOBT value for a specific flight.",
  "realWorldEffect": "Please refer to the A-CDM Implementation Manual for more information on the impact of the TOBT value at various stages of the A-CDM process."
 }, {
  "name": "Delete TOBT",
  "description": "Allow the service consumer to delete the TOBT value for a specific flight.",
  "realWorldEffect": "Please refer to the A-CDM Implementation Manual for more information on the impact of the TOBT value at various stages of the A-CDM process."

Complete examples are available at Example service description.

Status: Living Material