Aeronautical Ground Lights - En-route

PANS-AIM section "5.2 Aeronautical information in a standardized presentation" states:

When the AIP Data Set (as specified in is provided, the following sections of the AIP may be omitted and a reference to the data set availability shall be provided


l) ENR 4.5 Aeronautical Ground Lights — En-route

Aeronautical Ground Lights — En-route is not listed as subject in PANS-AIM section " AIP data set", but it is part of PANS-AIM Appendix 1 (Aeronautical Data Catalogue).

ENR 4.5 Aeronautical Ground Lights is marked with #AIP-DS# in PANS-AIM, hence is considered conditional data.

PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
TypeType of beaconAeronauticalGroundLight.type


A light specifically provided as an aid to air navigation, with the exception of obstacle lights and lights forming part of surface or approach lighting systems

type: A classification of the light based on the kind of item that it visually identifies

DesignatorThe code assigned to uniquely identify to the beaconAeronauticalGroundLight.namename: The name by which the ground light is known

PANS-AIM ENR 4.5 Aeronautical Ground Lights states:

1) name of the city or town or other identification of the beacon;

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_024_AeronauticalGroundLight_designator

AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide a dedicated attribute for the designator of an aeronautical ground light, but just a name attribute

Workaround AIXM 5.1(.1): As ENR 4.5 defines identification and name as an "or" combination of properties, the name attribute may be used.

Status AIXM 5.2: to be reported to CCB


The name of the city or town or other identification of the beacon

AeronauticalGroundLight.namesee above
IntensityIntensity of the light of the beaconAeronauticalGroundLight.annotation.Note

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_025_AeronauticalGroundLight_Intensity

AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide a dedicated attribute for the intensity of an aeronautical ground light.

Workaround AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status AIXM 5.2: to be reported to CCB

CharacteristicsInformation about the characteristics of beacon






colour: The primary colour of the light source.

flashing: An indication whether the light is steady or flashing.

Hours of operationsThe hours of operation of the beaconAeronauticalGroundLight.annotation.Note

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_026_AeronauticalGroundLight_Hours of operation

AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide an association of the AeronauticalGroundLight to the PropertiesWithSchedule class.

Workaround AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status AIXM 5.2: to be reported to CCB

PositionGeographical location of the beaconAeronauticalGroundLight.location.ElevatedPointlocation: The location of the ground light.