2019-05-22 "Get into SWIM" session
Ongoing discussions within the SWIM Community of Interest
2019-05-22 "Get into SWIM" session
Date: 22nd May'19 0900-1700
ECTL HQ ; Castor Room
Combined session for the SWIM Communities (SITCOM, SSCONE, SWIMTEC) covering
- a simplified service orientation process, and the use of the SWIM specifications in a service orientation context
- the process steps "Identify Services" and "Design Service" using 2 services as example
- information payload aspects using the AIRM
- technical aspects using the supporting material of the TI Yellow Profile.
Item | Title | Time (approx.) |
Welcome | 0900 | |
1 | Session Approach | 0915 |
2 | Identify A-CDM services | 1000 |
3 | Design TOBT Setting service | 1145 |
4 | Design Flight Publication service | 1545 |
5 | Feedback, Session Conclusion | 1615 |
Close | 1700 |
"Get into SWIM" - presentations
Status: Working Material