DS-META-008 - Data integrity assurance level
Each ICAO obstacle data set shall be provided together with metadata giving the data integrity assurance level of the data set.
Requirement | Reference | DS-META-008 |
Element Name | ||
Obligation / Condition | Mandatory | |
Multiplicity | 1 | |
ISO 19115 (2003) | Number | 83 |
Name | statement | |
Definition | general explanation of the data producer’s knowledge about the lineage of a dataset | |
XPath | gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:dataQualityInfo/gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:lineage/gmd:LI_Lineage/gmd:statement | |
Data type | CharacterString | |
Domain | Free Text | |
Example | The routine data integrity level is assured. | |
Implementing Instructions | When adding the lineage statement state whether critical, essential or routine data integrity level is assured. gmd:level is required by ISO 19115 (2003). This should use the value "dataset". |
<gmd:MD_Metadata> ... <gmd:dataQualityInfo> <gmd:DQ_DataQuality> <gmd:scope> <!-- gmd:level is required by ISO 19115 (2003). This should use the value "dataset". --> <gmd:DQ_Scope> <gmd:level> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="https://www.isotc211.org/2005/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_ScopeCode" codeListValue="dataset">dataset</gmd:MD_ScopeCode> </gmd:level> </gmd:DQ_Scope> </gmd:scope> <gmd:lineage> <gmd:LI_Lineage> <gmd:statement> <gco:CharacterString>The routine data integrity level is assured.</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:statement> </gmd:LI_Lineage> </gmd:lineage> </gmd:DQ_DataQuality> </gmd:dataQualityInfo> ... </gmd:MD_Metadata>